Part 37 Deal

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It was funny to see Tom walk around in a Christmas jumper with sewn on reindeers in the early morning. Your family seemed to fall for his charm as you predicted, it's like the slaughter never even happened. Your people accepted the orphan as one of their own.

What bothered you the most is that you just couldn't figure him out. Was his friendliness purely genuine for once or was he just a good fake. If he was just pretending, he sure knew how to make the humanity fall down to his knees. And you found yourself falling for his charm too.

Sat down on a distant, quiet table, he appeared to teach your aunt's children about potions. Oddly, he was warm and welcoming towards those children. It's like he never even owned a dark side. But you knew this was just a dream, a play he was putting on and yet you did not want to wake up from it.

Oh how flattering his attention was to you now. You couldn't help but exchange smiles when you walked in on him tutoring the kids.

When it was finally the time to leave, you and Tom said your goodbyes to the family. When your mother offered Riddle a hug, it was to your surprise that he accepted it.

As soon as the two of you sat down inside Hogwarts express, Tom went back to his usual, cold self as if the dark cloud of mist came back to him.

"You've behaved well, thank you" - you flashed him a smile. But it wasn't genuine since you still felt bitter about his own fake.

"I promised you I would" - he didn't frown and didn't smile, he just opened up his diary, sat in the opposite seat in front of you then began to write something in it discreetly.

"It's funny... You got me believing the act for a second" - you glanced away from his eyes, slightly hurt at the false memories.

Briefly, he lifted his eyelids at you "What act?"

"The whole you being a gentleman thing. Treating my family like it's your own and stuff. Even my muggle of a step-mother."

"I did not mind your mother. She was welcoming." - he placed down the ink beside him before spotting a stray frog hopping into your train cabin.

The frog jumped on top of your seat and straight into your lap it. Terrified, out of breath Sirius barged into your little area and sprinted towards the hopper on top of your lap "I'm sorry about--- oh..." - with the pet in his hands, as soon as he made eye contact with you he turned upset.

And Riddle looked annoyed "Do you mind?" - he frowned at Sirius

"No, I don't mind actually." - Sirius let out a sneerful grin

Tom clenched his fists for a brief second "You must leave now."

"Or else?" - Sirius mockingly smiled at Riddles' face.

Before furious gazes would flow around between the two, suddenly, an old lady with a broom hit the back of Sirius' head who was standing in the way of her passage "Move out of the way, young lad, do you have no respect for old women these days?" - her voice crackled

Tom grinned "Indeed. Where are your manners?" - he got off his seat and approached flustered Sirius "All though you should be put down in the bin where all the rubbish such as yourself... go." - Hearing this, bitter Sirius attempted to intimidate Tom by getting into his face as a threat, however, unamused Tom didn't budge. "You are a waste of my time. Now dismiss yourself before I reveal you as useless"

You felt uneasy at the sight "There's always drama between you two. Look. I am really tired so you either kiss and make up or you both break up and never see each other again" - you teasingly grinned at their confused faces but they obviously did not appreciate it.

Tom pedaled back and sat down whilst Sirius took one last glance at you before exiting the wagon.

Seated, Riddle opened up his diary again but before writing in it, he paused, shooting you a glimpse "Do you admire him?"

"Not sure how to answer that."

"Let me rephrase that. Are you attracted by his presence?"

"Not as much as I am by yours" - you giggled expecting a smile but instead you saw his flustered face as if the sentence shocked him. Seeing him not reply anything but look at his diary instead, you desperately attempted to clear the awkward air "I'm just joking..."

He didn't reply, you just exchanged a few glances.

After some silence, he finally spoke "If you found out someone was not what you thought they were would you still be pleasant with them?"

"Depends. What do you mean?"

"Anything in that context. Betrayal, manipulation, anything."

"I guess it would depend on what they've done."

"Hm." - his eyes flickered "I almost forgot" - he closed his book then took something out of his pocket "I got you a present" - he opened his palm to reveal a golden bracelet with a red gem in the middle of it - it was the one he saw you and Lily admire from afar. Most people dreamed about this expensive gift.

Your eyes widened in surprise

"Do you like it?" - he asked

"I love it"

When you arrived at the destination and the train stopped, you both exited the Hogwarts Express.

As Tom walked over to speak with a professor about something, you noticed that some object had dropped behind him.

"Hey, To--" - as you lifted it up from the ground, your eyes traced every inch of the book's cover

Tom had been distracted, unable to hear you, still chatting to the professor whilst a bunch of other students walked by

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Tom had been distracted, unable to hear you, still chatting to the professor whilst a bunch of other students walked by. You decided to keep the book for now and return it to him later.

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