Part 42 Abandoned

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When the moon settled down and the sky was greeted with a fresh sunrise, early in the morning there was sincere tension. Hatred, envy and judgment ran through the halls of Hogwarts. Any witch or wizard could spell their way out of a fight but they could never be immune to basic human emotions, not even Tom anymore. He couldn't love once, since he was conceived under a love potion; hence why he was so deceiving, cruel and fake, using his finest tricks as a way to make everyone submit to his charm.

However, months ago now, you've given him a potion that's like an antidote to his immunity towards the most basic feeling - love. You witnessed him drink it with your own eyes. His behaviour did show slight changes, however, each day you doubted more and more as to if it actually worked. Or even worse, if he actually drank the right one.

You woke up feeling fatigue. The past days you've spent with guilt whenever thoughts of Lilys' body still laid down in the hospital wing would cross your mind. It was worse you possibly knew what caused it but you had to keep your mouth shut.
You thought about Tom and realized that he is not useful at all if he was to avoid you. Henceforth that was out of the question to you.

After an exhausting and boring lesson of muggle studies where you learnt as to why muggles need electricity, you headed out to search for him. You took a peek inside the library first and to your surprise as to how you could predict this, there he was, future you-know-who, quietly sat own on a table with Avery - the other teen you didn't like.

You took a deep, annoyed breath before forcing yourself to approach the table.

Avery tilted his head at you in disgust "What do YOU want?"

You shot back "Not you." Then shifted your eyes at Tom "Can we talk? Without the minion I mean"

"What did you just----" - Before Avery could rant, Tom shushed him with one hand gesture.

Riddle closed his book and left it on the table, leaving Avery alone fire gazing at your back. Footsteps later you were finally alone in the hallway, face to face with the handsome prefect.

"I want to apologize. Again." - you rubbed your palms together as a sign of discomfort "What happened was---"

Tom sighed, stopping you "There's no need for sentimentality. Apology accepted."

"Look." - you glanced down at your feet to avoid eye contact "The truth is..." - you could feel your heartbeat gallop as you gazed straight into his sharp glare "I..." - you were nervous just to see the information lusting look on his face, awaiting for your next word "I may have... gotten like this because..." - the fact that he didn't say anything made you even more anxious "I think you know what I mean..."

Tom titled his eyebrows with a smirk, as if delighted with himself "Not quite."

"Please don't make me say it."

Riddle continued to smirk "You are very alike with this one creature. Intriguing but deceiving. You are an utter fool. Dangerous."

"Oh. Well... Wow. What happened to sentimental?"

"There are two sides for everything."

"Well I can say almost the same about you. Yet you are difficult to distance from."

Oh god. You realized how cringy it was only when you already said it.

Overly confident he replied "Have I charmed you already?"

You doubted whether this was right to say this, hesitanting before proceeding "Well I guess I enjoy a thrilling mystery" - you wasn't even sure whether you meant it.

"Ah. Poor <y/n>." - he smirked, circling around you "What would your dear parents say if they found out who I truely was?" - you could feel his body behind you as his fingertips snaked around your waist.

"Doesn't matter. This is between me and you. I'm interested in what you say." - You turned around, feeling the heat of his presence as you gazed into each others' eyes without moving or touching.

"I will not submit to it."

You asked "Submit to what?"

"To the most basic emotion followed by death."

"Is it that awful to you? The idea of being fond of someone?"

"It's humiliating." - he glanced down from your eyes to your lips "I prefer different type of danger."

"But you fear those emotions. Is it because of your mother?"

As if offended, Tom immediately pulled away from your face. Frowning as he clenched his fists. He clearly hated the idea of even thinking about his own parents. "My mother submitted to death, leaving me in a forsaken, filthy and degrading place where I was treated like a regular" - he raised his voice at the thought of it "Abandoning me. Just like my father. A filthy muggle father. I hate his name and I despise the fact I have the same."


You rubbed his shoulder in comfort, slowly approaching him "There's nothing wrong with feeling like that. But I do not want to be like those who did you wrong. I wouldn't want to abandon you."

He said nothing for a minute. He stood silent, looking the most vulnerable he's ever been so far.

Watching his gentle expression, you withdrew back your arm off his shoulder, aware of your limits "Just let me get close to you. I promise to try and make it worth it." - you warmly smiled

Tom hesitated, as if quickly thinking through it "I suppose we can start over."

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