Part 45 Lies And A Hero

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Luckily, the minor injuries left from the other day have caused very little suspicion. Devastated that you couldn't stop Tom from murdering an innocent student, you were trying to avoid speaking to him. If you were to speak and tell anyone about his mischief, nobody would believe you, there is no real proof you could provide. And guilt overwhelmed you so much you didn't know where to even proceed your mission.

The death of Myrtle has caused a serious commotion in Hogwarts. There were great threats of closure that every student feared, in hope of not losing their beloved school.

"What nonsense...." - alone in your room you strolled from corner to corner until you noticed a heavily worried Mary rush at you

" <y/n> !" - she sounded out of breath "Hagrid! It was Hagrid! Can you believe it?! Makes slight sense though" - her eyes were wide with amazement "He was all into strange and unlovable creatures, not the mention that he looks like one!"

"HEY!" - you shushed her "Do NOT speak of him like that! We know Hagrid, he wouldn't harm a fly."

"No matter your opinion" - she suddenly fell upset "He was already caught red handed by no other but Tom Riddle!" - Mary's voice screeched "Can you believe it? What a dreamy hero! He's going to be awarded for his nobility"

"Mary, I no longer like you." - offended at the words she dared to speak of Hagrid, you walked out of the room.

On the way of a regular hunt for the infamous Riddle to give him a piece of your mind, a boy about your age had caught your attention from the corner of your eye.

With his shoulder patched up, Lupin had limped from the hospital wing. His face was covered in scratches as if he had an even rougher night than you.

"Are you alright, Lupin?" - you tried to pat his good shoulder but he just shivered at your touch.

"I'm a tough man to beat" - he flashed a weak smile "Most of the injuries I don't even remember receiving. Not sure if that makes me a champ or a lunatic"

His eyes glinted with disappointment and sorrow, he wasn't comfortable in his own skin and he wouldn't dare to tell you as to why.

His future was forsaken and there wasn't much you could do about it. However, there was one person whose future you were hoping of changing.

"Riddle!" - your voice caught him unguarded as he was talking with his fellow Slytherin students who'd been admiring him. The flashing proud grin on his face disappeared as soon as he noticed you. He excused himself from his fellow wizards and witches to speak to you around the corner discreetly.

"You alright? It did not harm you, did it?" - Tom placed his palm around your hand. His concerned glance threw you off.

"Don't pretend." - you shook off his arm "We both know an innocent student has been murdered and an innocent man accused."

He withdrew his hand and placed both of them behind his back, stretching out in a proud manner "I do not know what you are talking about."

"You may fool everyone else but not me."

He flashed a mischievous grin "It's your word against mine, love." - he stepped closer in a taunting manner "Besides, I've heard that the beast who slaughtered the poor girl has been caught"

"Even though it was you? And you can live with that?"

"Of course." he whispered wearing a constant grin. As you began to walk away, annoyed at his egoistical lies, he called out to you, grabbing your attention and stopping you in place "However. I do wish for all well with your health."

"Mine but not hers? I would of died for her If I would of made it in time" - you frowned

He was hesitant to utter this out "Then I'm glad you did not"

"Why the fawning, Tom?" - confused, you asked "You're the most difficult being to understand"

"I cannot answer that as I do not know myself." - for a second, he lowered his eyelids from your eyes to your lips then lifted them back at your eyes and sighed "Will you betray me, <y/n>?"

"I don't know what to do. It would raise suspicion towards me. Besides, how could my words even be considered against a freshly awarded hero?"

Ignoring this, he changed the topic "Your mudblood friend will be fine. I've heard news that everyone who the basilisk turned to stone will be reversed."

"I bet that's disappointing to you."

"Of course. But the chamber is shut. There shall be no evidence leading to me."

"Perfect crime. I bet you're proud of yourself."

"There will be better accomplishments." - he smirked "Where do you see yourself in the future, <y/n>?"

"At this point... saving as many as possible from people like you."

He smirked, as if accepting the challenge "Shame." - he narrowed his eyebrows "I was about to offer you a life changing task"

"I don't want anything to do with black magic."

"Quick to judge. The one I have in mind has nothing to do with the dark arts, love. For now."

"Why are you calling me that, Tom?"

"Do you wish me not to?"

"It just sounds odd coming from you."

"I figured..." - he lifted your chin "You confessed I am your love. So why shan't you be mine."

"A few days ago you couldn't even say the word 'love', what changed?"

"A change of heart."

You smirked in disbelief, squinting your eyes - You didn't buy it.

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