Part 71 When Albus Recalls

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Standing on the edge of a large, open window, Tom has been gazing down at the distant, abandoned houses. For the first time he couldn't drop the feeling of guilt about murdering someone. The scenario of last night had been playing on repeat inside his chaotic mind like a broken tape. The deep anguish and inner sorrowful contrast was written all over his downcast face. 

Until he heard someone call for him and all his thoughts dissolved "My lord?" - it was one of the death eaters who in fear, could barely utter any words 

"I shall be there in a minute." - Riddle replied 

Not wanting to question and as if being a servant, the man said nothing else, just nodded and left.

Back in Hogwarts, there was a meeting of the order happening inside Dumbledore's office. 

You would still visit Hogwarts from time to time, but you could never shake off the uncanny feeling it always gave you whenever you would step inside its halls. 

"You were close with Riddle, <y/n>." - Dumbledore said 

"U-until the war, of course, professor"

"There is no need to lie" - Sirius interrupted

"If I may. I'd like to speak with <y/n> in private." - Albus looked at the rest of the order members

They were hesitant, but out of respect for Dumbledore, they all stood up and left the room.

When it was just you and professor, alone in his chamber, it gave you deja vu to the very first day you spoke to him among the storm and when he had notified you of his concerns, giving you a very important task to accomplish.

"<y/n>, I am no fool." - he leaned forwards whilst sitting behind his desk "When you were a student you appeared very attached to the charming, young man. Nobody could predict what he would grow into in the future"

Oh how you wished you could tell him you knew exactly what would happen in the future. And the task you were given to keep an eye on him and maybe even change his heart. Which you did succeed, but it's been a lot harder than you initially thought.

"I am not sure what you're asking of me, sir" - you played dumb

"Just like with Severus, I would not be surprised of your choice. However, maybe there is a counter offer"

"Albus." - you looked straight into his eyes "I have never wished to harm anyone or any---" - then you remembered what you saw in the mirror of erised. The inner deepest desire. And the thoughts that crossed your mind multiple times of torturing the people who had put you in Azkaban. There IS a dark side to you. And maybe that dark, small part of you wanted to cling onto such a powerful, attractive man.

Dumbledore noticed the hesitance in your words "He still charms you, doesn't he." - Albus got off his seat, still looking at your stiff expression that you had since you realized the mischief you had in you "A talented, powerful and good looking man. But if you take away his power, his intelligence and his looks, what would he still be to you?"

You couldn't even find the right words to reply, Albus could see right through you. Suddenly, the secret you kept inside yourself irritably itched like crazy. The words inside your head traveled inside your mouth and piled up like word vomit you could not let go of. But what would happen if you were to tell him you were from the future?

Besides, Mortier had realized that and it was only the matter of time something would go terribly wrong since he was in search of the time turner that once laid around your neck. Telling Dumbledore might of helped you.

"A-albus..." - you had a massive inner conflict whether to tell him these words or not "I-I do have something..."

Dumbledore lifted his head in curiosity as he sat back down on his chair and leaned back "Go on"

"I fear if I was to tell you.. it will have a negative impact on the future... you must not tell anyone."

Dumbledore nodded.

Nervous, you licked your dry lips as you felt your heart slowly begin to race but you trusted this man "I own a time turner.. it has helped me... to go back..." - you looked into his eyes and noticed the incredibly suspicious and curious look he reflected "Here... Before Tom started transforming."

Albus looked a little surprised "A time turner lets the traveler stay in the past for only five minutes, sometimes even five hours without causing heavy harm to the traveler or the future. I would only ask how would anyone be able to stay in the past for this long?"

"Well you see... there are improved time turners in the future. If I can recall, I am quite positive only one prototype existed at our time but it enabled the traveler to travel back and stay in the past for however long they wanted. The only catch is that their previous past body and soul would still exist and do whatever they were doing."

"Just like any time turner then... the last bit, of course." - he was slowly stroking his long beard, puzzling and still processing the words you had told him, inside his head

"Indeed. But Albus, you must keep this a secret. Mortier is already in search for me for this exact possession. Nobody else even suspects I own it."

"This means you know every event that will occur?"

"Yes." - you nodded "All though quite a lot has changed already. But that's because Tom is vulnerable now."

Albus who had already figured out Riddle's past immediately felt intrigued "What do you mean 'vulnerable'?"

"He has been conceived under a love potion. I had given him an anti mixture that removed any consequences of it."

After a short pause, Albus still looked stiff due to the fresh information you had given him "Perhaps.. It is a good thing nobody else knows." - he rubbed the skin on his cheek "Imagine what Riddle could do with such knowledge with his ever growing power of legilimency. I fear he would torture the prophecy out of you, <y/n>. You are now a prophet."

"Sir. I am here only because of you. You sent me here, you were the one to give me the turner and you were the one to give me the potion."

"And I see you did not let me down. I can see why I chose you, <y/n>. You already succeeded more than any other woman could."

"I thought I failed you..." - another strike of deja vu. You had a similar conversation like this in the afterlife. And the stone of ressurection? how on earth would you have that all this time and not know it.

"When the dark lord called off the attack. I presume it was to let the order carry out your body in peace." - Dumbledore replied "You obviously had not failed."

"But the deaths? I was supposed to save people."

"And I am sure you will. Sometimes people slip. But I can feel it, you will do greater good in the time ahead" - he snickered "But of course who else would know this better than the girl from the future?"

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