Part 49 Demise

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Late at night, you wiggled from side to side in your bed, constantly trapped between nightmares. Cold sweat dripped off your body, staining the sheets. You panted at the images of foreseen torture and the gasping, horrific reflections you've watched in the mirror of erised.

Until you found yourself awake.

Downstairs, in a barely lit corridor, Riddle was gazing in between two pillars at the unlit yard. He sensed you appear behind him, so he turned around and sneered.

"You fool" - he bluntly said

"What?" - your voice shook

"I thought I could keep it up but it is becoming too difficult" - Tom proclaimed, a dark shadow glooming over his face

"What do you mean?"

"Did you actually think I could ever love you?" - Riddle frowned in disgust at the sound of that word

Your eyes widened as he continued:

"Did you actually think I was so naïve as to take a drink from you? Did you actually take me to be such a fool?" - Tom's frown turned into a proud smirk as he glared at your startled face "That's right, I knew it was a potion, you silly, silly girl."


"You do not own the most discreet of hands"

"But.." - you were completely dumbfounded "It can't be..."

"I do not need you. I used you. Constantly." - he stated, mockingly "And now. I shall end you. Noone will ever remember your name." - he pulled out his wand, pointing directly at you "Avada Kedavra!"

A geen flash jumped out of his wand like an electrifying strike, bolting straight into your body.
There was nothing more after. Just silence.

And immediately, you woke up. Drowning in cold, fresh sweat like a deja vu. You rose from your bed, your heart beating like a drum. It felt so real.

Unable to fall back asleep, concerned, you walked out of your bedroom and headed to one of Tom's hideouts, hoping you'd see Riddle there.

But to your surprise, he was already outside the main chamber, awaiting for you.

"I was about to wake you up" - Tom was shocked to see you

When you approached him, you didn't know whether to hug him or slap him. You ended up awkwardly pinching his cheek instead.
Stunned, Riddle frowned at you as he rubbed his skin.

You shrugged "I wanted to see if this is real"

He looked at you as if you were a lunatic but he dismissed it, lifting up his elbow as a requirement for your hand "Come."


Yes, yes, It is short, I know, but it's like that for a reason. Next two parts will be worth it (I hope)

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