CHAPTER 4- We Meat Again

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Bård's POV:

I was on my bed staring at the white ceiling. I made a faint chuckle. I guess there's just no way to forget her. I tried to kill myself but I end up meeting a weirdo in the forest. I was meant to suffer.

I closed my eyes and covered them with my arm. Why am I still alive? That Reve whatever, is she telling the truth? If not, why am I unharmed? It's a steep cliff, the water is freezing, and the rocks, there's no way I can survive the rocks. I let out a sigh. I never should be thinking this weird things if I just simply died from that fall.

I want to destruct myself to forget Alija, but not this way. It's just so strange that that girl showed in front of me in the middle of that forest. Wait, what am I thinking? She's not real. I'm just imagining things. Yeah, she's just my imagination.

I kept on thinking the same thought over and over again. This is the first time that I'm not thinking about Alija, well, at least not directly. I don't know what's real and what's not anymore. A few moments of just thinking about what happened, I fell asleep.


Everything was silent and peaceful that night until a crash echoed all over Bård's house. Bård jump off from his bed. He's wondering who's downstairs. Could it be a thief? He asked himself. He slowly walked outside his room and down the stairs. Another crash echoed. It sounded like it was from the kitchen. Everything was dark downstairs. He tried to find anything that will protect him from the intruder but all he could find was the vase placed as a decoration in the living room.

He moved slowly towards the kitchen. He can see a faint illumination of light. Then, as he was nearing the corner of the kitchen, he heard something growling. He moved even closer to inspect what's going on. As he peeked, he saw a lady in white dress. She looked normal, except for the nine tails behind her and the unusual glow of her body. Her black hair was flying everywhere. It looks like she was looking for something in the refrigerator.

Bård can't believe his eyes. He was so afraid and shocked that he dropped the vase on the floor. The creature turned to him with angry looking, glowing, blue eyes. Bård froze on the spot. The creature floated to his direction swiftly. Bård took a step back but his knees were too weak from the shock that he fell with his back on the floor. The creature hovered above him. Bård lost all the words to say but he managed to find some.

"Wha-what do you want?" He stuttered.

"Meat." The creature replied with a hoarse voice, then she went back to finding meat in the fridge. After destroying all the fridge's doors, she finally found the meat and devoured every single piece of them.

After eating, one of the creature's nine tails disappeared making it only eight. Her feet started to move closer to the ground and her glow started to fade. Her hair went back down her head and the eight tails vanished from sight. She looked like the girl from the forest. To make sure, Bård turned on the lights.

"Hi!" The girl greeted him as if nothing happened a while ago.

"Yo-you? You're real?" Bård said.

"Of coarse I am." She replied enthusiastically.

"How?" Bård asked. He can't still believe his eyes.

"I followed your smell." She said smiling.

"You what?" Bård asked again.

"I followed your smell from the forest until here. It was a long way so I got hungry and I ate the meat inside that thing." She explained while pointing to the broken fridge.

Ylvis- Fix You (Sequel of Broken Inside- Ylvis Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now