12. I-I like....him? No.

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Shreya's POV-
I just blushed having heard him complement me. I mean I got those complements frequently but coming from him was a first.

"That's the first nice thing you've probably said to me." I said and chuckled.

He just shrugged and I saw Woo Bin smile and shift behind jong suk. And nodded at both of us with smirk plastered on his face. I widened my eyes and attempted to glare at him with fake anger barely controlling a smile.

I should be angry. There is nothing like that. He has a girlfriend too !

Jong suk,puzzled with my look, looked back and gave him a 'what?' look.

He just shrugged and replied,"I was just studying the angle at which Jong suk looked at you and then complem--"

"Stop it,hyung." I said while dragging him.

"So Jong suk, how was the day?" I asked once we were out on the gate leaving.

He shrugged,"nice....." He said.

"Just nice?" I asked knowing that he was exhausted. "You talked to your Mi So -ssi how could it be just nice." I chuckled

He frowned. Knowing he was tired and I was too. I just wanted to play....
"Yes Jong suk-ssi is our Mi So eonni (big sister) missing her boyfriend?"

"Oh please, Shreya she is not some eonni to you. You're the same age." Woo Bin explained.

Oh... That's new. "Okay, okay. No eonni."

"Shreya--" I heard viraj calling me. He came on his bike. He was like a good friend of mine. We were in the same college too. I got to know that when I started working here.

"Yes Viraj." I went up to him excusing myself.

"चल जायचंय ना घरी. सोडतो मी तुला परत खूप उशीर झालाय.(Come on we have to go home. I'll drop you. Its already late.)
I was hesitant this time. Actually there's nothing to worry about as I went with him many times but at the corner of my eye I saw hyung telling something to Jong suk and he was walking towards me.

"Shreya can you come with me, I don't know the roads and I just " I mean how can you not know the roads when you've been on them for past many days...

I looked at Viraj. He blinked and nodded to tell me it was okay.
"ठीक आहे मग मी जाते ह्याच्यासोबत. उद्या भेटू." (Okay then I'll go with him. See ya tomorrow.) I said and waved. He snapped sarcastically while going," You should go with him Shreya, he is the hero. And celebrity needs a caretaker along with him."

He nodded towards Jong suk. I frowned and slapped him on his arms playfully. He started laughing while putting on his helmet.

Jong suk was looking at him with a tinge of anger in his eyes but he didn't seem to notice. He started his bike. "पोहोचल्यावर पत्र लिही.(write me a letter after you've reached.)"

He chuckled and slapped my hand which was in mid air. I didn't refuse it as it was common for us but I saw Jong suk -ssi glaring at him.

"You, how can you disrespect a celebrity.... Go get lost." I said mimicking a demanding voice. He did as I ordered. "येतो राणीसरकार."(I'll go now your highness.) And went off.

When I saw Jong suk I was about to laugh but then I realized that this is enough for today. I kept quiet.

I was just walking with him on the side of the road when we heard a car coming from behind.

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