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Woo Bin's POV-
"Yes, I understand." I smiled and shook hands with Mr. Ajay, the manager.

"Then in how many months you'll be back ?" He asked.

"Around 2-3 months. Till the drama's shoot completes and after all the promotions and interviews."

He smiled." Okay then, we wish you the best of luck from all the members of the company. When is your flight then ?"

"In about two days." I replied

"Okay all the best and thank you for providing us an opportunity to help you in your work."

"No sir, I should thank you to permit us for shooting even if the schedule was busy. With that note, I'll take your leave."

"Okay." He said and I left the cabin.

I was encountered by Viraj. "So, you're leaving us, you're leaving me... your most favourite person ?" He said while doing his puppy eyes.

"Listen, first you're looking extremely ugly with that expressions and second, he's not leaving us forever." Anushka meddled in.

I did not know what to reply to that. Maybe, I am leaving forever, or maybe not. I don't know. I still am deciding what to do. To return to my homeland and start working there or to stay here, in the environment that I've spent too much time to settle in and continue work.

He did shut up. Just as I was about to get some peace finally, I hear somebody exclaim,"WHAT ?" I realised who it was without turning around.

"WHAT ? YOURE LEAVING US, YOU'RE LEAVING ME ? What happened to the promises we made of staying with each other forever ? What happened to the night when we decided we would never leave each other's side ? Why are you breaking up with me ?"

I turned back and gave her my most blank-but-pissed face. That's what she calls it.

I looked to my side. Anushka had smacked her head with her hand and Viraj was in fake tears while clapping.

"So miss overacter, are you done ?" I said

She pretended to wipe her fake tears and with a straight face again as if nothing happened now and said yes.

And it was not surprising that anyone paid attention to what was going on, because they know, they're accustomed to these type of things.

"But seriously hyung, when are you leaving ?" She asked and all the three turned towards me.

"In two days."I answered and they nodded.

"So that means you'll meet Jongsuk right ?" Anushka asked in her fangirl mode.I looked over at Viraj whose expressions had a sudden change and then Shreya who was looking sad but recovered quickly to her playfulness.

"Meet ? I work with him, Anushka What even are you asking."

"Yeah Anushka, do you also want to go with him ?" Shreya asked and looked over at Viraj, who was even more pissed now.

"Enough you guys don't bombard him with too many questions let him be at peace." Viraj snapped and looked at me with a expectation of a little help.

"Yes you should probably go now, don't you three have work to do...." I covered him and he thanked me with a satisfactory smile.

"Don't forget to mention us to Jong suk. If he would've forgotten us I'll fly to korea just to give him a reminder of how we helped him. Especially, Shreya." Viraj said and now we all looked at her.

She was zoned out while looking down but when saw us she shook her head and said," Yes yes, remind him. Now I'll go now and do my WORK of proofreading and editing that remaining write-ups." She said emphasizing on the word work.

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