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Shreya's POV-
I was at home after work scrolling through my instagram. I felt an uneasy feeling rising in me but there was nothing to be uneasy about.

Unless when Jong suk left.

I'm such a coward, even now I repeat those last moments and regret that why didn't I say something. Even a hug would do good.

No, it would only increase the pain.

I'm always silent when it matters the most.

I again for some thousandth time made myself believe that he was just a passing crush, just an attraction and clinging to that thought I resumed looking at my phone.

Remembering that I had to search for some random word that I read in a book, I opened google.

First I went through the news section which was mostly suited to my taste like, sports, k-drama, kpop, and something along the lines. I browsed until I stopped scrolling when I read a bold headline.

South Korean Actress Kim Mi So reportedly committed suicide.

I repeatedly read the headline for sometime again and again to make sure I was not mistaken. I even said it out loud one time to listen if I was correct.

I kept my mobile on the side and sat on the bed. Taking a deep breath, I took the mobile again and clicked on the news.

Bracing myself I continued to read -

South Korean actress Kim Mi So was found dead near the Han river in Seoul 2 days ago.
The reason for death is given to be suicide after the autopsy results.
The officials are still looking into this matter, currently there is no other information of the reason for her to do so.

This was still unbelievable for me. I closed my eyes took a deep breath again and searched for water as my throat was parched.

With shaky hands I reached for the glass, and while taking the water I dropped it. Because it was made of steel it made a loud clanking sound.

That's when Soham walked in the room and saw it. He quickly rushed to pick the glass to prevent any more water spilling from inside it. I just stood there looking at it. Not knowing what to do. He picked up the glass but looked at me in confusion.

Because if this happened on a normal day I would rush in first to prevent the water spilling.

"What happened ?" He asked but I didn't hear it. I looked at him and saw that he was expecting me to answer, that's when I realized that he asked a question.

"H-huh ?" was all I could manage. Then I gave him my phone to look at the news.

He read the news but again looked at me questioning that why was I so badly bothered about it.

Usually I would express some empathy and then move on. But no, this was different.

"She was Jong Suk's girlfriend." After I said that he looked at me wide-eyed for a slight second and then said,

"Oh." He kept quiet. Knowing that he would want to hear more I said.

"She was Jong suk's girlfriend. But by the time he came here they broke-up.
I don't know if he still talk-- was talking to her but I can say that they were in a good relationship." I completed.

"Then why are you so stressed about it ?" He questioned.

Why ? Why was reacting like this ?

"I don't know." was the only thing I could manage to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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