9. Really

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Me and my long af smutty chapters—-whelp rip—had to separate into two—so yay double update sort of??

Me and my long af smutty chapters—-whelp rip—had to separate into two—so yay double update sort of??

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Hope you have time to read 🗿💦 ..

"Are you sure, Y/N?" Hoseok asked, "You know it's me, right?"

All you do is nod.

You know he's just a classmate—the one that always pokes jokes at you during class. You're sure it's exactly why. He's just a classmate and has nothing to do with all the siren bullshit.

After a few moments of thought, Hoseok kisses your collarbone and just that makes you shy. His lips slowly travel all the way up to your neck, and you can't help but ask something. You felt nervous and had no idea why. You weren't a virgin. Shyly you look at him, "You're not going to make fun of me for this later, are you?"

You could hear Hoseok chuckle, and his heated breath against your skin tickles you, but he doesn't respond.

His fingers ease up from your wrists then hold you by your hips. It's surprisingly gentle and you feel him smoothing his thumbs across your skin. It almost tickles, but it doesn't.

You grab hold of his hair once he starts to nip at your skin. It's not enough to hurt, but each time he does it, you twitch. You try not to pull as you don't want to hurt him. His hair was soft in your hands.

"Y/N, can I unbutton your shirt or will it be too cold for you?" Hoseok asks and it brings heat to your face. His voice was still getting to you in a way that felt new and unexpected. For Hoseok to ask something like that..

As he sits up to look at you, you end up only being able to touch and reach his shoulders. Under your fingertips you could feel the warmth of his skin. He was so soft, and you could tell he had muscles—maybe not as much as Jimin—but he was still built.

You held onto his arms as you nod. Why couldn't you bring yourself to say anything?

You closed your eyes, completely embarrassed that you just gave Hoseok permission to unbutton your shirt. The motions tickled at your chest then all the way down to your stomach. You felt cold and open once Hoseok pushed the fabric aside, so you covered your face.

Hoseok was literally looking you up and down and you felt exposed. In a slowed motion he used his hands to touch your neck then traced a line down the center all the way to your pelvis. He was way too careful and it made you shiver. You really can't believe you're doing this.

"Y/N, are you cold?" Hoseok asked since he knew the heating was probably off now.

You could answer at least that. "Yeah a little.."

Hoseok immediately pulled the blanket over himself, then once his fingers traveled to your waist again, he got down close to you, propping himself up by leaning on his left elbow. His head is down.

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