33. Revelation

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It was early in the morning and still dark out when you all met up to get on the bus that would take you to the pier.

You weren't going to lie. You and your fellow sea friends were nervous about going anywhere near the ocean. The first reason was because of the old saying you each heard as children that states "once you betray the sea, it will stop at nothing to kill the siren for abandoning it's home". Yoongi being tsunami-ed didn't help the fact that it might be true. The second reason as you weren't sure what either of you would have done if you encountered a tribe of sirens.

Thankfully by some grace of some god out there, Jin was invited to come along by the Professor, so if anything did happen, you would have Jin there to provide backup assistance.

The sun was just starting to rise when you groggily opened your eyes. You felt the bus stopping when you lifted your head. Jimin had been sleeping on your shoulder and had awoken right after you.

It was a rest stop for everyone to get breakfast incase they hadn't had any.

"Yoongi, do you want anything?" Jimin asked as he got up to follow you.

Yoongi nodded that he didn't then immediately went back to sleep.

You got off the bus, and stretched yourself out. You were so glad you wore your comfiest black hoodie over stretchable jeans. Otherwise you would've been tense. You were so close to wearing sandals, too, but decided to go the converse route.

Ever since that day Yoongi gave back the stranger's memories, you had felt numb. You blanked yourself out with everything and smiled through everything. It was better this way. It had to be. The guy had been locked up, so that he wouldn't hurt anyone ever again. You still remembered the way he looked at you, and immediately you knew he had gotten them.

Jin still hadn't managed to find anything significant that stuck out, so he asked to try again about two or three more times--which meant Yoongi drinking your blood those few more times. Yoongi still felt anxious, but thankfully he didn't become aggressive. This proved that it really was only the stranger's memories that affected him at the time.

For the time being, Yoongi avoided using any form of his abilities. This meant no trying to take feelings or memories, but he didn't have a reason to use it anyway.

Jimin followed not far behind you and did a quick stretch before throwing an arm over your shoulder. He had sunglasses and a beanie on, but wore just about the same thing you did. The only difference was his shoes were plain white sneakers.

Once you got inside, you glanced around the open stores. There was the standard McRonald's and a few stores you didn't recognize, then a general store.

"I gotta go to the bathroom real quick, do you need to?" You asked.

"Nah. I'll order us food, though. What do you want? McRonald's?" Jimin asked.

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