11. Daylight

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WARNINGS?? There's going to be quite a bit of spelling errors and typoes because I'll be busy and not sure if I'll get internet— I'll proofread later!!

WARNINGS?? There's going to be quite a bit of spelling errors and typoes because I'll be busy and not sure if I'll get internet— I'll proofread later!!

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You woke up nauseous and to your phone ringing. It was loud and nearly gave you a heart attack.

As you got up you realize it's charging on a portable charger by you, and Jimin's calling you. Before you can even question it, you pick it up. Once you hear his voice you remember everything that happened last night.


You curse in your head, and look around. The sun is seeping in, the bed sheets look different from what you remember, and Hoseok's nowhere to be found.

Jimin's voice sounds tired, sad even. He's speaking shakily, "Y/N, I love you so much.. I.."

You can hardly hear him over static but it's enough to know what he was saying. Your heart completely sunk. You had just slept with Hoseok. What were you thinking? You refused to remember it. You refused to remember how happy you felt.


"Y/N.. I need to see you.. we need to talk.. are you still at Taehyung's?" Jimin asked. Now you knew he was crying, but he also sounded hurried. "It's still snowing pretty hard outside, though.."

"I'll go home soon, Jimin."

"I'm still at Yoongi's, Y/N.."

"Oh, it's closer then. I'll meet you there." You speak as you tried to get up. Your legs felt wobbly, though, so you fall right down to the floor. "Ah—"

Apparently Jimin had heard you, "Y/N, are you okay? What happened?"

"N-nothing.. I'm coming, Jimin."

When you hang up the full brunt of what happened last night hit you. Again you stopped yourself from trying to recall how amazing it was because you felt guilty. What the hell were you thinking? Even worse you were afraid of how much happier you felt compared to ..

You nodded your head. It was wrong. It had to be.

Trying to ignore your muscles, you get up. You have to make Hoseok forget it happened. You had to forget it happened.

When you opened the door, not giving a crap about how you were just wearing a shirt, you see Hoseok and he's making food. It was cute and sweet, but you shook that thought away.

"Ah! Y/N! Lucky we can still use the stove." Hoseok was smiling as he puts the pot down and runs to you, "Taehyung said we have free reign over the kitchen! Come on, I made pancakes!"

It stung to pull his arm, and look at how happy he was, "Hoseok, look at me."

Right away his expression came down to a concerned and worried one. He looked directly at you and gave you his full attention.

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