42. Calm

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When you finally got to the room with Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung were nowhere to be seen. Jin, however, was flat knocked out on the bed full of blood from earlier.

"Jin?!" You said as you tried to nudge him awake.

He groans at you but once you turn him over his state looks familiar. His cheeks were flushed red and he could barely open his eyes.

"Taehyung.." Jin mumbles out but even that you could hardly hear. "Nam..Namjoon.."

"Taehyung?" You nudged Jin a bit, "Where'd they go? Jin, what happened?!"

Yoongi tried to look around the room for any clues, but you were too worried about Jin.

"Y/N." Yoongi called out to you as he noticed that the bathroom door was locked. He tried to kick it open, but it was no use.

You banged on the door, "Is someone in here?!"

"Y/N.." It was Hoseok's voice but you could hardly hear him. "Is that you?"

"Hoseok! Open the door! Are you okay?" You asked.

"I.. Jin.. tied me.."

"What?! Why?" You asked as Yoongi listened and walked to the door to see if anyone was nearby.

"He said something was wrong.. the food.."

This was starting to feel familiar, so you looked at Jin then Yoongi.

"Yoongi. The stranger.. he.. he's locked up, right?" You asked.

"He should be." Yoongi said.

"Namjoon.." Jin called out, "Namjoon!"

Yoongi went to Jin to calm him down, but he still seemed lost.

"Fuck." You pulled out your phone, and tried to call Jimin. It went straight to voicemail. You then tried Taehyung, and you hear him answer. What he says sends you into a panic.

"Y/N.. there's so much blood.." Taehyung whispers as if he's hypnotized, "Why is there always so much blood.."

"Taehyung! Where are you?! Are you with Jimin?"


"Yes, Jimin. Have you seen him?"


"Taehyung! Please!" You yelled hoping to get through to him.

A few seconds and his voice changes to normal or at least close to it, "I.. I haven't seen him.. Y/N.. I.. where are you? My head hurts.. and I.. blood.. why.."

"Blood? Taehyung what do you mean?" You asked as you still try to kick the bathroom door open. You put him on speaker.

"My head hurts.. there's too much blood.." Taehyung's voice is shaky.

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