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"Yah, Yoongi, where are you?" Jimin asked on the phone as you both dried off from showering.

You walked into the main room first and peered into the bathroom, "Jimin, can I borrow some clothes?"

Jimin nodded as he kept talking on the phone. You heard Jimin's replies and figured that Yoongi was still walking around. Something about him being in the mood for drinking. Jimin suggested that maybe they should hang out by the upper deck--the area by the swimming pool where there was an open bar.

You opened up Jimin's suitcase and grabbed the first shirt you saw--an off-white shirt, then paired it up with some black slacks. When you got dressed, Jimin finished the call and walked into the room to get dressed, too.

"So what'd he say?" You asked as he threw on a white Hawaiian shirt.

"He's in the mood to drink. Wanna come with?"

Admittedly you were a little tired from earlier and sore, but you wanted to hang out with them. After all that had happened, a drink or two would be nice.

You nodded as you took one of Jimin's slippers to borrow, "Sounds fun!"


When you got upstairs, you followed Jimin to meet up with Yoongi who had already gotten you both drinks. He stood up and waved from one of the tables off the side of the pool. You cringed seeing how close the table was to the edge of the boat.

"Yoongi!" Jimin called out and was the first to hug him.

"Yah, yah, yah, I didn't know what you guys wanted so I just ordered the same thing." Yoongi said as they both sat down next to each other.

Alcohol was one of the only human drinks that actually had an affect on sirens, and to your knowledge, it affected everyone differently. For the first few drinks, it got rid of your stress and things that troubled you at the time, but too much, and you would start to feel sleepy and euphoric.

Jimin drank a bit more than you, but only on occasions would he drink until he was affected. When he was, he became louder and extra.. touchy. At times it was hard to pull him off of you. He clung to you like a koala. Public places and even at home he stuck to you like glue. He even became whiny if you didn't give him attention.

Yoongi, too, was an occasional drinker but with a higher tolerance. Like reading Yoongi as a person, it took a while for you to read the little hints he gave away when he was drinking. His skin was the first to give it away. A reddened glow would show on his cheeks and ears. Second, normally Yoongi was cold, but drinking made him like a warm teddy bear.

One night in particular popped into your head when you thought of him drunk. You remember vaguely that he had vented about having a bad day at work. That night he begged to be cuddled with, which was adorable since he never actually asks for those things. Quickly, though, it turned into other things.

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