47. Past

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Once you got to his door, you stayed there for a while. Somehow you couldn't bring yourself to knock. What could you even say to make it at least a little better? Would you make it worse? What if he hated sirens now?

Before you could even think of what you could say, the door opened in front of you and Namjoon was just leaving.

"Ah, hey, Y/N. You're still awake." Namjoon said with widened eyes, "Um.. about earlier, I'm sorry. I remember everything now, but.. I'm sorry I caused you all trouble."

You looked up at him, "Well, I'm still alive. You didn't remember. I can't lay blame on you for everything."

Namjoon put on a small smile then left. As he did, you slowly looked to Hoseok who was with his back towards you. The sky was still a dark blue colour, and you could only see it because the only light that was on was the lampshade that sat on the desk far from him. He stared out the window and into the ocean that was completely black.

"The ocean looks pretty calm now." Hoseok muttered out just enough so that you could hear him.

"Y-yeah.." You mumbled. You didn't want to say something wrong and had to make sure, "Hoseok.. is it okay if I come in? I.. I know you probably might not.. want to see.."

"See a siren right now?" Hoseok brought up then turned his head slightly, "Y/N, I don't get bothered by those things. All that matters is the individual.. and you.. I could never hate you."

You tried to smile, but it couldn't come out. All you remembered was seeing him on those rocks. All you could remember was the current that was killing you both.

Remembering everything made you feel everything you felt before, and you wanted so badly to make him 'okay'. You never wanted to see him like that again. The look in his eyes that made you want to change everything-- it was too much.

You ran to him and wrapped your arms around him. The both of you fell over, but luckily it was on the bed.

Hoseok looked up at you and he was confused, "Y/N?"

"Hoseok, I'm so sorry.. for everything.. you don't deserve any of this. I-- if there's anything I can do--"

"Y/N, stop.. none of this is your doing. What happened with Namjoon even wasn't his fault. He didn't know."

"With.. Namjoon? Wait, your parents, right?"

"Yeah.." Hoseok said as he held you close in his arms. "He.. well, I can't tell you everything from his side because it might still happen, but, when he was going to see Jin, my parents went with him. Unfortunately that was the day Yoongi's people attacked. Of course Yoongi didn't want to kill them, but.. all that wasn't his fault. He didn't know what was going to happen."

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