Reader X Ichiji: He Doesn't Love Me

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You frowned laying on top of silken sheets that felt as soft as clouds, and you wanted to fling the goose feather pillows you were sprawled all over, you hated it so much.

Yet you didn't have anything to hate, and that was what made you so frustrated.

Your father arranged this marriage long before you were ever aware of it, though you always knew the day would come when he would send you away to a future husband.

Although it completely took you by surprise to learn you were to be wed with the eldest son of Germa 66, which also meant you were to eventually be queen of the said kingdom of Germa 66, that- you had very mixed feelings about.

But one thing was certain, you never agreed to be married off to inhuman monsters.

The Vinsmoke family- you decided to dedicate yourself with researching as much as you could into the family you were becoming a part of, were superhuman abominations of advanced science, no empathy, no sympathy, no rational fear or emotion, god, they were so unbelievable, they had their own comics depicting them as freaking super villains.

Thus, as a child you thought they were nothing but fairytales.

But once you came face to face with the colourfully haired family of five, you quickly realized how real they were, and how frustrating your fiance was.

He treated you nicely, he didn't dare do anything to disrespect you- dare you say he was even considerate, in fact, whenever his other brothers would suggest anything crude or speak to you rudely, he would suddenly become violent in a flash- beating them senseless, before pretending nothing ever happened.

You would have found it insanely hot, that is, if you didn't already know he couldn't love you.

It was 'physically' impossible- or maybe it would be more appropriate to say scientifically? But the matter was, he couldn't love you when he lacked every human emotion, so no matter what you wanted to believe, he could never care for you like you ever hoped.

And there lies the instigation of your bottled fury.

You stiffened hearing a light knocking on your door, followed by an indifferent tone that made your face fire up, "princess (Y/N)? May I come in?" You half heartedly gave him permission, glaring at the door he marched through.

His face was monotone, but you clenched your teeth imagining something like concern was there, "you're upset, I'd like to talk about why" you froze and sat up, giving him a face of confusion and disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" He shook his head in all seriousness, you stared at him, eyes hidden under his cool shades, plump lips that you would love to see curve into a smile, that beautiful body, suddenly you felt nothing but anger.

"You're what's making me upset! What the heck man?! Why are you acting so weird?! You're acting like you actually care! Like this isn't some set up! You!- You!-" Then you began to gasp for breath, being a princess, you weren't allowed to strain your throat, meaning just shouting could wind you.

Then before your very eyes prince Ichiji was all over you like some worried husband.

"Are you alright? Did you damage anything?" You swatted his hands away, ready to give him your fury until you heard the slam of something falling out of his cape.

Darting to the object, you reached down and scooped it up, turning it over, you read the cover in disbelief.

'Romance For The Completely Clueless'

Your mind blanked out in confusion until you finally turned the cover to him and stared into his very soul, silently demanding for some sort of explanation.

"It seems an explanation is in order" you wanted to punch his teeth in for stating the obvious.

"We are getting married tomorrow"

"Yeah? So?"

"Meaning once we're married, it will be your duty to be Germa's next queen, and to continue the Vinsmoke royal bloodline"

You blushed, "and?"

"And as your husband it is my mission to protect you, provide children, and that is all, but, during your arrival I realized that would prove to be difficult if you didn't feel, 'loved'"

You blinked, not knowing exactly where this was going, "where is this heading?"

"So, in order to make you feel 'loved', I-" he gently took the book from you and presented it like something important, "decided to try and figure out how to give you proper affection, to please you and make you feel comfortable"

You raised your eyebrows drastically, looking like a deer in headlights- albeit a very confused deer, once you escaped your shocked stupor, you began to groan and rub your temple roughly.

"So let me get this straight" he scooted closer to you, making you scoot away from him, without you knowing the cycle continued as you talked until you were pressed against the wall, "you see me as a mission- like what you do in the battlefield, and your only concern is to keep me safe and h-have my kids, but you want me to feel comfortable with you, and you thought to do that, you- you're trying to learn how love me?" Suddenly you realized he had you pinned to the wall.

"That's about it princess (Y/N)" suddenly he slammed his hands right beside your head and leaned down intimately- creating dents in the wall to your horror, "what in *******?!" He suddenly backed off seeing your frightened face.

"Ah, my apologies, I read that many women these days were into something called, 'kabedon' I thought you would've enjoyed it" you pressed your lips together to try and stop yourself, but to no avail the sound of laughter escaped your mouth.

After finally calming down, your eyes softened seeing his serious expression stare you down patiently unlike his brother Niji, and without anger- which you doubt his brother Yonji would exhibit, he was even lacking his usual arrogance, which was a shocker.

"You really are trying.." he nodded.

You bit your lips, a blush soon growing in intensity on your face, "I...I guess, I can- I think that, well I mean..." you felt your body threaten to overheat feeling his arms have sneaked behind you and were slowly pulling you closer.

"I- well what I'm trying to say is- is" without resistance you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to be pulled closer-


You melted feeling Ichiji, your now husband, envelope you in an emotionless- yet passionate kiss, letting you hang onto his broad shoulders and grip onto him a little tighter than necessary.

While you heard small complaints from his jealous younger brothers, his sister giggled in amusement and his father stayed stoic as the many soldiers of the kingdom rejoiced.

You broke the kiss and began to wave to the masses, enjoying the ignorant warmth they seemed to have released as Ichiji kept his arms around your waist.

Turning back to your husband, you paused, "Ichiji, you have hearts coming out of your eyes" seemingly being broke from a trance, the hearts disappeared and he gave you a hollow smile, "starting today, you are constantly my top priority (Y/N)" you smiled happily and nodded, clinging yourself to his arm.

He didn't love you, and he never will, but, his effort was more than good enough.

One Piece X Reader: WEDDINGSWhere stories live. Discover now