Chapter One|Calum

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I slammed the door shut fiercely as I ran out of my house. I didn't care that the rain was hammering down, I just wanted to get away. I started bawling, unable to stop the salty tears from falling down my bright cheeks. I was fed up of being so alone. Fed up of trying to be clean from cutting. Fed up of trying to turn my life around. I didn't want to be here anymore, I just wanted to be non existent. Mum and Dad were still away on some random business trip, they said they'd be back next month. They have no idea. No idea that I have zero friends because I push them away. No idea that their 16 year old dedicates her life to destroying herself. No idea that her anxiety is all consuming. No idea that her depression leaves her feeling so fucking empty. I'd hate for them to have any clue about what goes on in my mind though.

I didn't know where I was going. I just wanted to be outside, where the rain muffled my screaming and wailing, where I didn't just have to listen to absolute silence and let the voices in my head eat away at me. I just kept running. Letting the sloppy mud wreck my black Vans and not minding how much mascara was running down my face. I kept running, past tall bending trees, and finally to the middle of the city. It was late at night. I knew there would be a lot of people around, especially on a Friday night, they wouldn't care for a sobbing teenager anyway. I just walked around, looking through all the dark abandoned windows where shops would be closed. A few motel signs were lit up brightly, gleaming vibrant warm colours. I went to the back of Starbucks, it wasn't open but it made you think it was. They would leave a few lights on by the fridges and of course their gleaming Starbucks logo shone vibrantly, just like the motels, as if it were the star of the city. I've never really liked Starbucks, I don't know why. They're coffee is just overly expensive and often tastes like shit. I prefer Costa.

A tall tanned boy came running to the door, distracting my thoughts. He didn't notice me at all until I sniggered foolishly when he tried to open the door, smiling excitedly, looking forward to his expensive coffee or frappucino and then realising it was closed. His face suddenly made an extremely dull expression, as if it were the end of the world. I guess I sniggered quite loudly because he heard me.

"Hey? Who's that?" he had a thick Australian accent, he shuffled around the corner of the building now noticing me on the floor.

The first thing I noticed about him was his beany. It was thrown onto his rough dark hair but still looked good. He was wearing black skinnies and a black t-shirt. He wore a dark grey hoody ontop, London is always freezing at night in the Autumn. The boy had dark brown eyes, he looked kinda Asian but at the same time he looked like a cuddly bear. As soon as he saw me his eyes popped. He looked so scared to see a crying girl sitting at the back of Starbucks.

"What?" I croaked, wanting him to leave before he noticed my bleeding cuts on my arms, there was blood on my fingers too, I hadn't bothered to clean up.

"Are you okay..?" he asked me, shuffling a little closer to me, his hands in his pockets.

"Why?" I questioned, backing away in case he was some rapist.

"You look kinda sad..I'm Calum" he took his hand, wanting me to shake it.

I just looked away, wanting him to leave. My anxiety started getting to me as I begun panicking. Worried about who this guy was and what he wanted.

"I am a normal guy.. Do you not know me? I'm from 5 Seconds of Summer?" he looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing to know him.

I shook my head. "That made me sound like a jerk, sorry. We're on tour right now."

I nodded, I didn't give a fuck. I didn't know who he was and why he was still here.

"What do you want?" I asked him finally, bringing up the courage to ask him.

"I was just making sure you were alright.." his Australian accent shone through thickly.

I've always wanted an Australian accent, they always appealed to me. I'm just weird, I guess.

"Hey!" Calum snapped me out of my thoughts, his dark eyebrows raised, expecting me to say something.

"Thanks, I'm fine. Bye"

I started walking off, holding myself because I was so cold. It was still raining. Calum grabbed my wrist, making me scream in pain.

"Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I grabbed my arm, holding it to my chest as I stood there, staring at this freaky stranger.

Tears started pricking up in my eyes. Don't cry, Elsie, don't fucking cry! I suddenly burst into tears, cupping my mouth in fear of Calum seeing me crying, I started walking really quickly. Not wanting to run in case I tripped but not wanting to walk because I just wanted to get home.

"Hey! I'm really sorry! I don't want to seem like some perv out to get you! I was just genuinely worried about you!" he ran up in front of me, holding his head like he had just made a life-threatening mistake.

He gave me a sympathetic smile as I stared up at him. No one had ever been this nice to me. I pushed my hair behind my ear and as I did so my sleeve slipped down. Calum immedietly noticed my cuts covering my arm and shook his head.

"Thats it, I'm helping you. Your coming with me, I've got a first aid kit in the bus" he took my hand and dragged me round the corner of the parking lot.

I didn't stop him. I didn't care where he was taking me. I began to feel drousy and weak, floppy and wobbly. I had felt like this before. I was put in hospital the last time I cut really deep over a vain and lost a lot of blood.

"Shit.." I murmered.

Calum stopped and looked at me. "I'm losing blood, I felt like this the last time I was put in hospital because of it"

He rushed faster, taking me to a collossal silver bus. I'd never seen such a big bus. What the fuck was it? There weren't clear windows, they were blacked out. It was parked up, leaning along the street. It was so fucking massive. I started wobbling about a bit I guess because Calum then chucked me over his shoulder as if I was a 4 year old child.

He lay me down on these long black leather sofa's as 3 other boys and a middle aged man crowded round me, deep frowns across their foreheads. One of them noticed my cuts and put his hand over his mouth in a gasp. Another kept saying 'Cal, what are they saying?' and another wouldn't shut up about 'where did you find her?' as if I was some lost puppy. They were all Australian apart from the grey middle aged man. I couldn't see Calum which panicked me a little. Even though I had just met him, I wanted him to be by me as I lay there in tears, shaking. He convinced me that he cared even though he didn't even know me. He seemed so nice, yet what did I know? He was just some Australian boy that had helped me.

"They'll be here soon.." was the last thing I heard. It was Calum and although he sounded worried, his voice was so comforting. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as it all went black.

Save Me From Myself|Calum Hood FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now