Chapter Two|"I Care About You"

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I woke up from a cold hand touching mine. It wasn't that the touch was creepy or anything, it felt nice and comforting but when I realised where I was it was the most uncomforting thing ever. I was in a hospital. A bright yet freaky, chemical smelling, cold and sterile hospital. It looked like one of the hospitals you see in horror movies only without the sharp silver tools and blood and guts splattered on the shiny floor.

"You okay?" I soft voice hushed next to my bed as I sat up, looking around in a panic.

"W-whats going o..o-on?" I stuttered feeling tears fill my eyes and beginning to shake as my anxiety started swallowing me up.

Calum hushed me and shuffled his chair closer to the steel cold bed. He rested my head on his shoulder and stroked my hair,constantly whispering 'its gonna be okay' in my ear as I sobbed into his jacket. He smelt so good.

"You passed out from blood loss when I got you in the bus. Luckily the ambulance and doctors took you away a few minutes after that" he told me as I sat back up, looking around the room.

There was no one else in the room, just us. It was quite small and had windows on one of the walls. It looked out to a grey car park as rain pattered down the glass. I had two bandages on each arm and a tall silver pole thing with tubes coming from it fed into my arm. It gave me fluids to keep me going, I had one before not long ago when this happened. A pretty nurse with a neat parting came in and smiled at me.

"Hi Elsie. I'm Doctor Green. I've got a few questions to ask you in private" she gestured to Calum and he went to sit outside.

I could see him through the other window where it looked out to the sterile corridor with green leather seats. He waved to me enthusiastically, looking a bit stupid which made me chuckle a little. i didn't understand why he was helping me and why he was being so nice, he'd leave after I got home and never speak to me again anyway.

"Right, Elsie, this is the second time you've been put in hospital due to self inflicted injuries. I know your therapist is aware of your self harm, as are you parents. Have you been cutting more recently?" she asked me sweetly.

"No, I haven't cut in so long. I was just in a bit of a bad place and yeah.." I lied.

I hadn't stopped cutting since the last time I was here. I just didn't tell my therapist or parents, I'm not fucking stupid.

"Well, thats good. You haven't tried suicide again have you?" she asked, looking at me, her eyebrows raised.

"No, not at all. Like I said, this was just a one time thing. I regret it a lot." I nodded, lying again.

"Okay. Now, Elsie your going to have to stay here for a bit longer, just until your a bit more stronger, okay?"

"Okay" I replied, secretly wanting to yell at her 'NO! I'M OKAY! I DONT WANT TO STAY IN THIS HELL HOLE!', but I didn't.

"And, I assume you have contacted your parents and will be telling your therapist?"

I was so happy she trusted me like that because fuck, I wasn't telling my therapist or parents and I didn't want them knowing either. It would all be more mental health refferrals to different therapists with waiting lists and being given medication which makes me feel sick if they found out.

"Of course. I texted Mum when I woke up, she's happy Calums looking after me. She'll be waiting for me when I get home" I acted, I was so good at this, making everything up as I went along.

"I'm glad" she smiled at me and left, leaving her sickly sterile scent behind.

Calum came and sat by me again.

"So..?" he asked, wanting to know what happened.

"I have to stay until I'm a bit stronger apparently" I told him, fiddling with my bandage.

"Awh okay, I thought that would be the case so I booked myself a motel across the road so I can stay with you" he said casually.

"What?!" I snapped, looking up at him now and glaring into his big glossy eyes.

"I want to take care of you Elsie.." he told me, scruffing his hair nervously.

"You dont even know me! Why are you still helping?! Like, seriously, what the fuck?! You don't just act like your best friends with some girl you just met around the back of Starbucks! I appreciate you helping me last night and all but I dont know you!"

I don't know why I was so angry. I guess because I didn't realise how much I wanted him to stay yet I knew he would just leave me as soon as I was better. But, he looked hurt once I had shrieked at him. His face sunk and he looked away, frowning deeply.

He suddenly looked up at me, really quick and sudden. He wasn't frowning he was just staring. I could tell he was serious.

"I don't care about the fact that I only met you last night where you were at your worse. I don't care that I don't even know you, that doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that you get better, that you can wake up and think 'hey I'm glad I'm alive'. Because, you, Elsie, deserve to be happy. You deserve to laugh and smile with friends. And you should smile more, because your little smile is too fucking cute!" he tickled my chin playfully.

"I care about you okay? Even though your just a stranger to me that I helped out, I still care. I know this all seems like bullshit to you, you think I'm going to just leave you as soon as your up on your feet. Well, no! I'm not going to! I care about you Elsie and I want to know you! I want to be able to love you. Yeah, I'm cheesy. But hey, I don't care because I just.. gah! I want to be there for you, I want to be able to cuddle you when your down and kiss your forehead. I know, I sound so fucking crazy right now, but I swear, I'm not! I'm just some normal guy that cares about you, okay? I know that sounds strange to you and all but I really do! I want to help you and I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy!"

As soon as Calum finished he was breathless. Still staring at me deeply and seriously, holding me by the shoulders. I suddenly burst into tears. I don't know if they were happy tears or sad tears to be honest but they were tears. And a lot of them. I cried and cried as Calum held me in a warm embrace, rocking me softly and kissing my head gently.

"Its gonna be okay" he finally whispered and held me tighter, like he was never going to let go.

Save Me From Myself|Calum Hood FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now