Chapter Four|Cutting

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I had stayed in the hospital for a few days now and today I'd be going home. I packed all my clothes into the bag that Calum had brought from my house and made my bed. I was so happy to be getting out of here. Maybe Calum would leave me now. Even though he said he wouldn't and that he would stay by me, I was still unsure. He's just a stranger that helped me that night. But, he meant more to me than a stranger, the way he cupped my face, or held my hand or kissed my forehead. He made me feel warm and that little bit happy, yet deep down I still thought he was just going to leave me. I shook the thoughts out of my head as Calum walked into the room with a slice of toast in his hand.

"Are you ready?" he asked, as breadcrumbs came flying out of his mouth.

I giggled at him and nodded as I slung my bag over my shoulder and looked around. Hopefully this would be the last time I ever saw this shithole.

"This is where you tell me where you live", Calum wiggled his eyebrows jokily.

We were sat in one of Calum's bandmembers car. It was quite small and a rusty red.

"This is Ashton by the way", he introduced me to the driver of the car.

Ashton waved at me through the mirror and smiled an amazing smile. Gleaming his white pearly teeth and bringing wrinkles to the sides of his mouth. He had scruffy brown hair that wildly hung in curls and was pushed back in a red bandanna.

"I'll just show you the way as we go", I answered Calums question as Ashton turned on the engine.

I hadn't worn any makeup since the night I met Calum, but I guess I wasn't really wearing any because it had all fallen down my face. I felt like shit. My hair was put up in a ponytail, making me look half my age, my hoody was all dirty and scruffy and my trackies aren't the most attractive things. And there I was, sitting in the car with two really good-looking boys, looking my worst.

As we drove into my drive I remembered Mum and Dad would still not be home.

"Where's your parents?" Calum asked seriously, staring at me with a frown upon his face.

"Oh, they don't have a car..", I made up, sounding like an idiot.

He nodded like it was the most normal thing in the world. I was beyond relieved when he didn't ask anymore questions. Ashton opened up the boot of the car for me and handed me my bag with a smile.

"It was nice meeting you", he said quietly.

"You too!" I replied, feeling a bit awkward.

"C'mon! Its cold!" Calum squealed, standing outside the car watching me and Ashton.

I shrugged at him and he took me to my door. His hands sat comfortably in his pockets and his dark hair was lying flat on his head. When we got to the porch of my door he embraced me in a massive hug. He was so warm and cuddly. I ruffled my head into his chest as he played with my hair, still holding me tightly. We stood there for a while until I released from him, hearing Ashton cough loudly, being annoyingly awkward. Calum stuck his middle finger at him and he got back into his car.

"I put my number in your phone so text me or call me whenever you need me, okay?"

He had his arms around my waist, just above my arse, and had pulled me in so our noses were almost touching. I could feel his breath on my cheeks and the warmth from his body heating me up.

"Okay", I replied, secretly knowing I would never call him or text him. I'd just be annoying to him.

He brought me closer to him in a last hug. His lips on my forehead and my nose squashed against his chin. I was only a little bit smaller than Calum but it felt like the perfect height for cuddles. Just as he let go he held me a little bit more tighter and whispered in my ear softly 'I love you'. My heart stopped in my chest and butterflies rioted in my stomach as I blushed brightly.

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