Chapter Ten|"Shh"

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I jolted up to the beeps of my phone. It was still dark and Calum was asleep, snuggled in the warm bed. Constantly, beeps were coming off of my phone, texts, tweets and facebooks were firing through my phone. I quickly turned it on silent and began reading all my messages. Calum had posted a picture of me and him snuggled up together, my head resting on his chest and sound asleep.

@Calum5SOS: Night guys! Sweet dreams @Elsie_01, love her :)

Shit. Calum was in a band. With fans. Who probably and most definitly worshipped him. And here comes this girl out of the blue who is now asleep on him. Yeah, I'm sure they're gonna be happy. I flicked through the tweets.

@CalumsMyn: @Elsie_01 Slut. What an ugly whore.

@5SOS_obsessed: @Elsie_01 you don't deserve Cal. You don't even know him. You only want him for his money.

@Joely_Hemmings: @Elsie_01 you're pathetic, you only want him so you can get to Luke. Little slut.

@Hood_Lisa: Just die.

Tears begun filling up my eyes as I clicked onto Facebook, knowing it would all be the same but wanting to read it all anyway. So many girls had posted on my timeline cruel things, just like on Twitter.

Ailsa Hood - Who even are you? Slut.

Lilly Calum Pebbles- 5SOS don't need you and Calum doesn't either. He's better off without you, no one wants you here. You should just die.

Rosa Cake Smith- Worthless piece of shit.

They kept going on and on and on. As warm salty tears ran down my face silently, I lastly checked my text messages. Unsure of how the fans could of got my number. But, it wasn't the fans. It was my old friends who had left me. They knew everything about me.

Lola: I can't believe your with Calum Hood. Ha. I bet you used your pathetic self-harm and fucked up mental illness' to get him. You're just a little slut. No one wants you here! Just die.

Reece: What everyone is saying about you is true. Slut. Go cut yourself until you die.

Samantha: You don't deserve him or anyone else. You deserve to die, slowly and cruely you little bitch.

Megan: Three words. Attention. Seeking. Whore.

Riley: It won't last, he'll leave you as soon as he realises how fucked up you truly are.

They went on and on and on.. but I couldn't read anymore. I chucked my phone on my bed, leaving Calum behind and ran outside. Tears rushing down my face like a little waterfall. It was too much. Why couldn't I of just let Calum be on his own, he would of been better off there. I went round to the back of the house where Mum and Dad put old glass bottles and took three. Calum had taken all of my blades so I couldn't use anything else. I smashed the Smirnoff bottles against the wall as they shattered into dozens of sharp pointy pieces of glass, cutting all over my hand, making blood gush out uncontrollably. I screeched a little when I looked down at my bloody hand but looked away soon after, I started running towards the woods, not caring about the rain that was soaking my pyjamas or that I was bare foot, running through muddy and rough terrain. As I came to the first field from my house I heard a scream. And it wasn't mine either. I looked behind me as I saw Calum, tears covering his face and a frightening expression on his face, the kind of expression of sorrow and anger. I stormed over to me, staring right into my eyes with sympathy yet his fists were clencehd strongly. I jumped off the fence and ran towards him, embarcing him in a saviour hug. He wrapped his arms around my tightly, so tight it felt like he would never let go. He kept kissing my forehead, cheeks and my ears, constantly whispering 'your okay' in breathless tones. He sounded like he had run a marathon as he breathed deeply and quickly, scaring me a little. Tears still ran down his face and his hair was a mess, his red cheeks were redder than usual and a frown was still burrowed onto his forehead.

"I thought you were gone!", he shrieked between tears, holding my neck tightly like he wanted to break it.

He started shaking me violently. "Don't ever do that to me again! Why won't you talk to me!? You love me don't you?! You trust me!?"

I nodded, staring at him. "Then come and fucking talk to me! I'm not going to lose you!", Calum yelled viciously, making me shake even more and whimper.

He held me once more and picked me up, flinging me over his shoulder like a fireman. My hand was still bleeding and hurting more than any cut ever could. He placed me on the toilet seat in the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit, rumaging for bandages and special wipes. First, he took my arm and shoved it under the foset. Making the icy water clean the palm of my hand, making me whimper in pain.

"Shh.", he whispered kissing my cheek.

Next, he rubbed it with a towel, drying it and not caring about the blood on the perfect white towels. He pecked my hand and took a wipe. I had never used them before but they helped clean out the cuts. He swiped the moist cloth over every wound, making me squeal as it stung so much. He bit his lip and looked at me in sympathy, almost saying sorry for the pain with his glossy eyes. Then, he took a long white bandage and wrapped it around my hand neatly, frowning in concentration, making me snigger. He stuck his tounge out at me and smiled, placing a small plaster across the bandage to hold it in place.

"There", he said, patting my hand gently as he leaned in and started to kiss my lips.

He held my waist and rubbed his hand up it softly, locking his lips onto mine and gliding them into each other nicely.

"I saw the messages", he pulled away and took a stool from behind him and sat on it, facing oppisite me.

I nodded, not wanting to say anything in case I burst into tears again.

"You know everything they say is bullshit.", Calum said, taking a strand of my hair and putting it behind my ear for me.

"You don't deserve to die. You are not a worthless piece of shit. You aren't pathetic and you're not a slut! I know you didn't use your self-harm to get me, you didn't even know that I existed! I can tell them to stop and we can do whatever we want! If they're my fans they should respect who I'm with. Its just you and me, Elsie. I'm not going to let anything come between that.".

He leaned into me one last time and kissed me all over again. This time more passionate and intense. He picked me up by my waist and sat me on his lap, my legs wrapped around his body, not letting him go. I ruffled his dark scruffy hair and I let his hands wander around my body. As he came to my thigh he suddenly picked me up again, my legs still around him. He pushed me up against a wall, still kissing me as he wandered down to my neck, giving me obvious love bites as I giggled at how weird it felt. He smiled at me one last time before kissing me again, holding his lips against mine and not pulling away, suffocating me slightly but in a good way. He put my down and held my hand.

"Let's go back to sleep", he whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek lightly.

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