Chapter Six|A Perfect Movie

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I woke up due to the bright sunlight beaming through the bathroom window. A heavy arm was laid across my chest and Calums head was curled towards mine. He was still sleeping soundly, his head plonked on my shoulder. I tried to sit up, putting his arm on the floor, making sure I didn't wake him. I winced in extreme pain as I was reminded of the cuts of last night. I flumped back down next to Calum, breathing heavily, replaying when he kissed me, and I kissed back and how perfect it was. When he kissed up my arm, over each and every cut. When I let everything out in my mind to him, I'd never done that to anyone before. Did I love Calum? Like, loved him so much I wanted him to be mine? It sounds so cheesy but you know what I mean.

A groan mumbled out of Calum's mouth as he woke up, stretching and opening his eyes. He yawned massively and looked at me. He stroked my face with his hand as he turned to me, looking at me.

"Hey", he whispered as he kissed my cheek and sat up.

"Hi", I replied smiling at him.

"We fell asleep in the bathroom..?", Calum realised, taking in his surroundings.

He suddenly lept up, noticing the comfy looking bed through the door and leaped into it. Burrowing himself into the blankets, making a little hideaway.

"Come on..", he groaned, gesturing me to come too.

I picked myself up, trying to ignore the over whelming pain on my arms and legs. I hobbled into the bed and cuddled into him. Letting him throw his arm around me as I hid my face into his chest.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Elsie?", he questioned gently after a moment of long silence.

I couldn't believe it as I flushed bright fuschia.

"What?", I squeaked high pitchedly, wanting him to repeat it.

"You heard me the first time!", he chuckled lightly.

I bit my lip and looked at him, checking he wasn't playing around. I wanted him to be my boyfriend so bad. I loved him a lot.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. Thinking about how this would make me happier and how much I loved Calum. A bright beam shone across his face when I nodded. He looked up, shaking his head.

"What?", I asked confused as I sat up to his level.

"I was so scared you'd say no..", he confessed blushing adorably.

I smacked him playfully and kissed his cheek.

"I'm gonna get you better", he smiled, taking my hand and kissing it lightly.

It was just like in a perfect movie and I loved every single moment of it.

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