Chapter Eighteen|Dorks

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Me and the boys spent the next few days in the hospital. The nice doctor gave us a room and bed's to sleep on until Calum was better. It was hard to see him like this but I knew he was healing so that made me feel okay.

"Morning!", I croaked as Calum opened his sleepy eyes.

"Hello", he whispered.

He was all okay with breathing now so he didn't need the oxygen they were feeding into him, he was back to normal now. It was just his blood pressure that was being monitored now, we'd be going home tomorrow.

"I can't wait to get out of here..", he said, looking around beadily.

"I can't wait to see you okay again", I replied smiling.

Calum smiled back and a nurse flounced in with a tray and breakfast. Calum's face lit up as his eyes took in the food, he immedietly gobbled it up quickly in hunger, making me chuckle lightly.

"I'm hungry!", he squealed as breadcrumbs spat in my face.

"Ewww!", I shrieked, wiping my eyes and punching him playfully.

"Soz", he replied, a smirk plastered across his face.

"I'll go get the boys", I said standing up and walking into the next room where we were staying.

"WAKE UPPPP!", I shouted, making Ashton, Michael and Luke jump in terror.

"Heey!! I was in the middle of a fabulous dream with Jennifer Lawrence", whined Luke.

"We all know Luke had a wet dream then", cheered Michael in childish laughter.

"Didn't need to hear that", I said sighing but giggling at Michael.

"Is Cal awake?", asked Ashton as he ruffled his curly hair.

"Yup!", I said, popping the 'p' and racing the boys next door to see him.

"Aw, not you guys again..", whimpered Calum jokily as he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You were dying to see us, shut up!", Michael howled as they all rushed to his bed and hugged his feet, not wanting to crush him.

I leaned against the door, I smile across my face. How am I so lucky to know these dorks? These wonderfully adorable dorks? I took a quick picture of the embracment of the boys and posted it to Twitter.

@Elsie_01: So lucky to know these dorks. @Calum5SOS @Michael5SOS @Ashton5SOS @Luke5SOS

I wandered over to the bed and joined them, intertwining my fingers with Cal and resting my head on his knee.

"Thank you for being okay babe", I hushed, making all the boys squeal a 'aww' in unison.

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