Chapter Nineteen|"Thank You For Saving Me From Myself"

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Once Calum was out of hospital he stayed at home with his family, they had flown over to look after him for a week so I was kinda lonely for a bit but I didn't mind. As long as my boy was okay.

I turned on the Radio, letting Ella Henderson's 'Ghost' pump through the speakers.

"I keep going to the river to prey!", I screeched as I danced around my room, pulling on a pair of powdery blue shorts.

I was going to go shopping today, I had attempted to tie dye my white converse and kinda wrecked them, I needed new ones before Mum shot me. As I pulled on a white vest top I heard someone knock on the door. I quickly pulled my hair into a ponytail and raced downstairs, hoping it was the postman with some band merch I had recently ordered off Etsy.

"Hellooo!", said Calum with a massive smile across his face.

"CALUM!!", I squealed excitedly and embracing him in a warm hug, wrapping my arms around his neck, causing him to fall back slightly.

"Woahh. Hey you!", he chuckled, holding my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I missed you so much.. I'm glad you're okay. I can hug you now!", I shrieked happily, almost fangirling over my boyfriend.

"I missed you too babe", he said.

"So, how was you're family?", I asked, pulling him into the house and pushing him onto a sofa and flopping down beside him.

"They were okay, yeah. Just being over-protective"


"Hey, I really did miss you, Elsie. And I'm so glad you're better now. All I ever wanted was for you to be okay again, for you to be smiling and happy with life. And you are! And I'm so so so proud of you, babe!", Calum told me, picking me up by the waist and sitting me on his lap.

"Thank youu! Well, I wouldn't of done it without you. You helped me. You saved me, Cal. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you..", I played with his collar, my legs tangled around his body.

He then kissed me. Pushing into me and tugging on my hair, I bit down on his lip cheekily and he giggled through the kiss. I pulled away and gazed into his eyes before colliding into him again. Our breathing was so fluent, it felt as one. He cupped my chin and electricity coursed through my veins as he pecked my neck and ear. It felt like it went on for eternity, my breath was shaky as he pulled me in closer one last time,this kiss being more urgeant, his hand on my lower back. Every part of my body touched his and I felt all tingly. We pulled away to breathe and smiled at each other.

"Thank you for saving me from myself Calum", I hushed.

So, that just happened. That's the last chapter of this fanfic. Sowwyyyy :( But, I'll be writing more fanfics soon! :3 Feel free to request! Love you! xx

Save Me From Myself|Calum Hood FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now