Chapter Nine|"I'm Glad I Wanted A Starbucks That Night"

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I was so excited to see Calum. I've never felt this way before, I know, it sounds dorky and cheesy. But, I really love him. He makes me happy and thats all I want right now.

"Heeey!", I squealed, swinging the door open and gesturing Calum inside.

"Hiiii! Your in a good mood?", he said, his eyebrows raised.

I nodded and he smiled.

"Wanna watch movies...?", I asked sweetly, grabbing his hand and racing him up to my room.

"Okay!", he chuckled.

We slumped down on my bed, pressing play to start 'Grown Ups'. I snuggled into Calum, placing my leg over his body. He smelt so good.

"You smell nice", I whispered stupidly.

I sounded like an idiot. I blushed wildly as I heard what came out of my mouth. He looked down at me smiling, laughing at my bright cheeks.

"Aw, your cute.", he replied through giggles.

I nudged him playfully as we continued to watch the movie. To be honest, I hate the movie 'Grown Ups', it has no context and its so boring. But, I know that boys love it. Well, thats what the magazines reccommend for movie nights anyway.

"You hate this movie don't you..", Calum said, reading my thoughts.

My eyes widened as I stared up at him and nodded. He laughed and shook his head.

"Oh dear..", he sighed and switched it off and burrowed into me.

We lay on our sides, facing each other, our legs wrapped around each other. Calum held my waist with his long tanned arms and pulled me in closer, so close that I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. He placed a light peck onto my forehead and whispered 'I love you' in my ear, making me feel hot and fuzzy.

"You know something?", he whispered softly breaking the small silence.

"What?", I replied, squinting my eyes, looking into his.

They were like a big bowl of chocolate sauce, so tempting and easy to fall into.

"I'm glad I wanted a Starbucks that night."

"What?", I giggled quietly.

"I met you round Starbucks, if I never wanted a Starbucks in the first place then I would of never met you. Maybe some other guy wanted a Starbucks that night, and they could of found you and helped you and fallen for you in a way they never had before. Then someone else would be beside you and not me. Someone else would be yours and wanting to keep you forever and that wouldn't be fair. Because I love you. And I want to keep you forever. So, I'm happy I wanted a Starbucks that night."

A tiny tear slipped out of the corner of my eye and I snuffled.

"I love you so much Cal".

I kissed him. Not softly. I sort of pushed into him, kissing him roughly, making sure I didn't miss a speck of his lips. I cupped his neck and ruffled his hair as he wrapped his arms tighter around my waist. He then kissed down my neck, making tingles run through my body. I collided into him one last time, biting his lip playfully as I did so and then softly pulled away. He creased his eyes at me and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. We lay there, staring at the ceiling, butterflies still dancing about in our tummies as we soundly fell asleep on each other, our bodies radiating heat. I listened to Calums beating heart and his little gentle snores as I thought to myself how happy I was he wanted a Starbucks that night.

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