Read This For A Virtual Hug<3

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Hey. Thank you for clicking on this and even bothering to read my attempt of a fanfiction. It means a lot to even get one read on a chapter so thank you! :*

I'm going away for a week so I won't be able to update this :( Which is why I have left you with a few chapters of drama and cuteness :3 I really hope you enjoy!

When I get back I will be filling it up with more and more chapters of amazingness just for you! <3

If you have any requests for anything please let me know and I will try my best to make your little wishes come true! <3

My Tumblr is 'happy-dimples' if you want to follow me on that for lovely 5sos-ness and other wonderfullness. I also have a Polyvore which I've recently got addicted to, I upload many 5sos outfits there and you are free to leave as many outfit requests as possible, it would be my pleasure to do them for you! My username is 'happy-dimples' again and you should follow me ;)

If you're still reading this then you have just won yourself unlimited 5sos cuddles :3

Love you shit loads. Remember that you're beautiful and should keep smiling! :* <3

Bye! xxx

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