Chapter Fourteen|The Boys

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"I need to go and get ready..", I whispered in Calum's ear as he nibbled at your ear.

"Awh fine..", he sighed, picking you up off of him.

"Call the boys? They can come over and stay for as long as they want. I need to meet them! They've all seen me at my worst!", I said beginning to walk upstairs.

"Aw yay!", Calum squealed excitedly, he was like a child on Christmas morning.

I giggled at him as I ran upstairs and jumped in the bath, smiling to myself and constantly thinking about my boy. I had him back and I wanted him forever. As I splashed the purple 'Twilight' water over me I remembered the situation with Ashton. I had screamed at him and pushed him away when he tried to hold me and be kind. What an idiot I am. He was just trying to be nice. I probably scared the poor boy the way I shrieked at him. I was going to apologise today.

As I pulled my silky hair out of the bun that sat messily on my head, a knock was at the door.

"Hey you!", said Calum as he walked in, not caring if I was in there naked or not.

"Hiya! Are they coming over?", I asked as I begun brushing my hair.

"Yeeees. Hey, can I ask you something?", he questioned, furrowing his eybrows together and sitting on a little wooden chair in the corner of the bathroom.

"Sure", I looked at Calum, holding my towel up, making sure it didn't slip down in the slightest.

"Where's your parents..?", he looked up at me, pouting slightly as he tapped his foot.

"They're really important business people or something.. they're always away for ages. They were meant to be coming back next week to take me to Venice for my aunties wedding but it got postponed. They aren't coming back until Christmas", I shrugged, turning back to the mirror and wiping off my makeup from last night.

" you're going to be alone until Christmas?", he asked me, raising his eybrows.

"Yup, but they said that last year and they didn't come back until February. I don't mind it really, its just being alone I sometimes hate."

Calum nodded and stood up, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist as he placed his chin on my shoulder and looking at us in the mirror.

"Do you wanna come on tour with us then..?"

I was stunned. My mouth fell right open and Calum laughed at me hysterically.

"Are you serious? Isn't it for like half a year or something?", I asked high-pitchedly.

"Yup.. ", he popped the 'p' and nodded.

"Uhh.. I dunno.. I don't wanna get in the way of you're band or anything..", I said thinking about what he said in the interview.

"You realise what I said in the interview was bullshit? I had missed three last week and couldn't say it was because of my girlfriend so they told me to use that line of being held down and shit", he always managed to read my thoughts which was kind of creepy but quite useful too.

"Right.. okay.. but, its for so long.. I don't know how I'd do it..", I exclaimed, pulling a worried face.

"Its totally up to you babe. I just don't want you being on your own for so long.", Calum kissed my neck and looked at our reflection again.

"I'll think about it..", I spun round and cupped his face as I kissed his lips lightly.

"Good.", he replied kissing me back and then pecking my forhead.

"Let me get changed now!", I giggled, pushing him out of the door.

"You can get changed with me in there!", he winked cheekily as he closed the door shut and left.

Save Me From Myself|Calum Hood FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now