Chapter Sixteen|"Calum's In Hospital"

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"Only four more weeks!", I squealed through the phone.

"Yep! That's 672 hours!", Calum squealed back.

"Oh my god, how did you work that out?", I cried, laughing at his cute dorkness.

"I've got a countdown on my phone..", he admitted sounding shameful.

"Awww! How cute!", I shrieked, fangirling slightly over the adorableness of my boyfriend.

"Shut up!", he said chuckling lightly.

"Calum's gonna have celebratory sex with you in 672 hours!", yelled a distant voice of Michael in the background, making me roar in amusement.

"No I'm not!", panicked Calum.

I heard a thud through the phone of someone being punched, I assumed it was Michael.

"Oh dear..", I sighed, still giggling quietly.

"I need to go now babe! We're going on stage now! Love youuuuuu!"

"Love you moreee!", I joked cheesily.

"Love you most!", Calum replied.

This was our own little couple joke. We heard it once and found it really cheesy but said it anyway because we still meant it. A beep sounded down the phone and I hung up, immedietly missing his voice. I'd be seeing him soon though, all of them, in only 672 hours. I was so excited. I hadn't seen any of them in half a year. We agreed on buying a house together when they got back, we still needed to find the perfect one though. Mum and Dad had agreed that it would be alright, I think they just want to get rid of me to be honest.

I picked out a pair of dark denim shorts and some black tights. It was a rainy day today, even though it was Spring it sometimes felt like Winter in England. I threw on a simple burgandy tee and chucked a dark purple hoody on over that. Slipping on some black ankle boots and grabbing my bag, I ran out the door into the spitting rain that scattered over the grey sky, the sun trying to peep in through the dark clouds. I was in the mood for a Costa so headed straight for the warm cafe. As I walked past Starbucks I remembered the night Calum found me. All alone curled up behind the closed coffee shop, tears rushing down my face and my mascara smothered across my cheeks, dirty bloody cuts covering my wrists and the rain smashing down. His face when he realised he wasn't getting an overly expensive coffee from Starbucks that tasted like shit and how determined he was to make sure I was okay when he found me. I honestly don't think I'd be okay now if it wasn't for Calum.

As I sat in Costa, sipping my Belgian Chocolate Creamy Ice Cooler, I flicked through my Twitter feed. Reading all the loving tweets from fans, since Calum had gone away I started a YouTube channel to occupy myself. It helped me with my anxiety and I became quite big, I now have over three million subscribers. I smiled as I read a tweet from my boy.

@Calum5SOS: Buzzing for the show tonight! There are so many of you guys out there! You mean so much to us, thank you :) x

What a cutie. His fans are quite supportive of us now and respect our relationship. I still get hate but the nice things that are said to me by my fans or followers overcome all the hate.

I threw the empty plastic cup in the bin behind me and walked out of the coffee shop, bumping into a group of pretty brunette and blonde girls.

"Omg! Its Elsie! Hiiii! We love you so much!", they squealed excitedly, hugging me tightly.

"Oh hey! And thank you so much! I love you too!", I smiled.

I took a few pictures with them and had a quick little chat before heading off to visit some other shops at the mall. I can go shopping now without panicking or feeling anxious, although sometimes I do get scared or worried I know how to overcome it. I marched into New Look, on the hunt for some cute pastel lace socks that everyone seems to be wearing right now. I wanted to do a Spring LookBook for my channel soon and thought that the cute frilly socks would be the perfect touch. My channel is mostly fashion and beauty but with some lifestyle stuff on the side, I love filming and editing and its something my parents are quite happy with too so thats a plus.

My phone started ringing, snapping me out of my random thoughts. It was Ashton. Weird. He's meant to be on stage.

"Hello?", I said confused.

"Hi Elsie..", Ash sighed, a small quiver shaking through his voice like he was going to burst into tears.

"Ashton what's wrong?", I questioned, walking out of the shop and finding somewhere quieter.

"Cal..Calum's in hospital..", he muttered out.

"What?! Why?! What happened??!", I shrieked, cupping my mouth in horror.

"He fell of the stage.. and the fans..they sort of attacked him and he had to..b-b-be airlifted out..", Ashton stuttered, sobbing.

"Fuck, what hospital is he at? Is he okay?!", tears were racing down my cheeks as I started to shake, panicking in a way I never had before.

"We're in London right now.. Cal didn't.. want t-to tell you b-because he wanted it as a sur-sur-prise.. the doctors said he should be ok-okay, but his lungs co-collaps-s-sed..", he said sighing.

I could hear him crying loudly now, I had never heard Ash cry. I could feel my knees go weak at the thought of all the boys upset and Calum in hospital.

"What hospital..?", I quivered out.

"The Royal London..", he spoke.

"I'll meet you there..", I said between tears and pressed 'end call'.

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