Chapter Eleven|Bacon

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I stretched open my arms, making weird dinosaur noises as I did so. I checked the time on my phone, 11.00am. I yawned one last time and sat up, staring down at the cold floorboards. Music was blasting downstairs and I could hear Calum whistling and singing along. I chuckled to myself and hopped into the shower, checking my deep cut that was marked across the palm of my hand. I unwrapped the bandage and let the warm sprinkling water scatter over it, making it sting a little. Once I was dried off of water, I re-wrapped my hand, squeezing my eyes shut in pain. I pushed up my hair into a little bun on the top of my head and applied some light makeup. I pulled up some thick black tights and a pair of acid wash denim shorts. I threw a black t-shirt over that and a long dark cardigan. As I pattered downstairs I heard Calum swearing coarsely.

"Ahh, fuck!", he yelled loudly.

"What are you doing?", I chuckled as I walked into the kitchen and placed myself on one of the bar stools.

"I'm making my princess some breakfast! ..Or trying to..", he told me, flipping a pancake in the air and watching it land at is feet.

I laughed hysterically at his foolishness as I blushed vividly at Calum calling me his 'princess'. I looked over to the grill which was filling up with clouds of smoke.

"Uh...", I pointed over to it as Calum chucked the frying pan back on the cooker and raced over to where the bacon was cooking.

"Shit!", he shouted, trying to take the bacon off of the grill, burning his large hands.

"Let me help..", I sighed smiling at him sweetly.

I took out some more bacon and started cooking it whilst I chucked the pancake mixture in the bin.

"Right, get out some flour,milk, 2 eggs and some vegetable oil please!", I told him.

"Ooooh! Who's the chef now?!", Calum joked, searching for the eggs.

I punched him playfully as I got the flour out for him. He stood behind me, holding my waist as I stood on my tiptoes and rumaged in the cupboards. As I turned round to hand him the bag he held me tighter, bringing me closer to him as he kissed my lips softly.

"Thank you", he whispered smiling at me.

"Shh you", I replied, dabbing my hands in the white flour and flicking it in his face.

"Heyy!!", he yelled, poking my sides and chasing me round the kitchen as we chucked the powder at each other.

As I threw a handful in his hair I checked on the bacon. Forking it out and putting it on two plates for us. I then realised I'd be eating in front of Calum which panicked me, making my heart beat faster and faster in my chest. I bit my lip and looked over at the tall tanned boy that stood in front of me, playing with his hair as he tried to get all the flour out of it.

You can do this, I thought to myself. Telling myself it would be okay and he wouldn't care. As we sat down together, Calum didn't even look up as he smothered his meat in ketchup.

"Mmhmm!", he scoffed up his bacon roll as I began nibbling at mine.

I stared at him as I ate, making sure he didn't look up or notice how anxious I was. I decided to go for it and speak up.

"So, what do you want to do today?", I asked him as I put down my roll.

"We're going to see the boys, okay? You have to meet them!", he replied as bits of red sauce spat out of his mouth.

I laughed as he wiped his mouth in embarassment.

"Okay", I agreed, kind of wanting to meet the boys properly.

I had only met Ashton once but we never really hung out, and I didn't even know the other guys' names! I wandered if they'd be as playfull and fun as Calum, they're all in a band together so they must get on.

"How's your hand?", he asked, serious now as he finished his breakfast.

"It's alright..", I nodded, not wanting to go into much detail.

"We need to get you help..", he told me, staring at me.

"No!", I snapped back.

"You need help Elsie! I can't be the only one to get you better! We need to get you a therapist or something!"

"No Calum! It'll only make things worse and Mum and Dad will have to find out!".

He shot me an angry glace. "You mean, your parents don't know about it?"

"I never told anyone apart from the friends I had at the time!"

"But, they need to know Elsie! What else haven't you told me?! I still have no clue where your parents even are! You said they were home and they didn't have a car! Why the fuck did I believe that?!", he was shouting now, punching his fist on the table.

"Yeah I lied to you but so what? You were just some stranger to me!"

"Just a stranger? After everything I did for you! I helped you so much and you repayed me wth nothing! You just got worse and worse! Running away and still cutting even when I'm here and I'm promising to help you!"

He stormed off and slammed the door shut. Leaving me breathless and scared.

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