Chapter 1

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I've never trusted men. My entire life. I was a target from age 7. I'm scared to even be mutual with a guy only because of my past. Every time I thought it would be different. But I was wrong, again, and again.

Music is my passion. It's whats getting me through all the downfalls, hard times and bad days. I have felt alone and abandoned all my life yet music showed me a whole other side of myself I never knew existed. Now don't get me wrong I cant sing a note or play an instrument to save my life, but I travel with celebrities on tours and help set up the stages. I've been on tour with Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, and many others. I've also been so fortunate to not have had any males to work for (celebrities included). I've had an occasional band member say excuse me or sorry if they bump into me. But when I find out who my next tour is with my whole world is twisted and thrown to the ground.

Hunter Hayes, good looking, adored by lots and lots of girls, a few months older than me, I can't.

Why God why?

I think to myself with my hands holding my head looking at my stupid email. Please tell me this is a glitch?

Hunter fits the profile, everything wrong that could happen would probably happen.

I can't. But I have to, my boss -who knows about my past- told me that she kept males off my list as long as she possibly could. But Hunter Hayes? It couldn't be Garth Brooks or someone who's married with kids and doesn't have time to talk to people and are so busy they barely have time to pee? No. My luck it has to be Hunter Hayes who is single, my age, very strong, and not yet a mega super star. He has time to get to know people. Trust me I'm a huge fan of his music and he's cute. But I know he likes to get to know everyone, and I'm a target. It hasn't stopped anyone I've ever dated before. I know he doesn't seem like that kind of guy but you'd be surprised.

~~~two weeks later~~~

Right there. He's right there and coming toward me fast. I freeze. "Hey!" he greets, shaking my hand "I'm Hunter,"

No shit.

I tell my brain to shut up just in case I accidentally say something out loud. "thank you so much I'm so stoked to have you with us on this tour its going to be a blast!" There's a silent awkward pause, I don't say anything hoping he will just go away. "So do you wanna grab some coffee later?" How? How can men seems so nice when you first meet them, then when you let your guard down, turn into complete animals?

"Hi, I'm Amy. And um, I guess, sure?" Did you just say yes? stupid STUPID STUPID!

He smiled "Great I'll meet you after sound check!" my stomach was churning. He leans in toward me and my heart drops.

I knew it. His head is almost touching my shoulder, he looks me right in the eyes and smiles.

"Im.." I say awkwardly while stepping back quickly, bumping into the empty gear box behind me. I lean back as much as I possibly can, which I regret immediately after realizing he was just reaching for his guitar.

But why didn't he just walk around me? Why did he lean into me like that?

Shut up Amy. Don't get your hopes up like you always do.


After he was done with soundcheck we arranged a time. I still can't believe I was doing this to myself. All of this is happening too quickly, I can't even process it.

Hunter runs into Starbucks almost as if he's late. He sees me and immediately runs over and said "Look I wasn't expecting this, but I couldn't get away from them and I-"

"Who?" I asked trying to hide my nerves.

"The ba-"

"HUNTER- Oh hey! Guys I found him!" Matt yelled across the whole building. With the whole, band, following behind him.

Hunter let out a deep breath. "The band." He was spinning his whole upper body like a little kid. "I'm sorry. I was hoping I would just be me and you." he looks down and turns around. He starts to walk away but turns back to me and puts his hand out for mine. "Are you coming?"

I smile, ignoring his hand and just walk next to him. He pretends like there's something under his nail and slides his hand in his pocket to make it look like it never happened.

We get our coffee and the band sits at a big table. I walk over, and look at the situation. With all of them being guys and there only being one seat left, I figure I would just let Hunter sit with his buddies. So I go over to a table for two thats close. I sit down my coffee and stuff on the table while pulling out my phone to connect the wifi. I see a man sit down in the seat in front of me.

Oh great here we go again. Did I put my mace on my key chain today?

I look up and see Hunter who sat down like his band isn't even here. Like he came here with me like he planned. He never looked up or over at them, just acted like it was a normal thing.

I don't know where this is going, and I don't yet know if I want to find out.

Butterflies (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now