Chapter 4

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He sees the tears in my eyes, so he jumps up off the step we're both sitting on and kneels down to the lower stair to look up at my eyes. Even though my vision is blurry with tears I can still tell that he's worried.

"What's wrong Amy?.. Amy you know you can trust me. You can tell me anything." His hands find mine and I just let him hold them. He doesn't try to move them up my legs or anything, he just holds them in comfort, which is odd for me.

"Hunter that's the thing. I can't. I learned not to trust, well... certain people, a long time ago." I pull up my selves and show him my scars. He holds my arm and sees some that are newer than others and some worse than others. Why am I showing him this? He might not even like me, he doesn't need to know this, he shouldn't know this! He hasn't even known me for 3 weeks! I pull my arm out of his hand and cover it back up with my sleeve. He goes to hug me but I put my hand on his chest and almost push him back. I let him sit back down before I start again. "I'm not done... I need to explain."

"You don't need to explain I get it." He says moving closer.

"No, you don't, and I want to."

He sees me itching to let something out so he sits back, "I'm listening." He whispers with a smile.

I take a deep breath knowing there was no other way out of this than to just tell him. I keep sniffing which makes me take forever to get out understandable words. "My whole life, men have been 'attracted' to me, I guess you could say. I've never felt like I could or should ever trust a guy. I have been used over and over again." He rises back up the the step and starts rubbing back. I look up at him with tears running down my face like a waterfall. His lip starts to quiver. "I guess my only way to know it wouldn't happen again is to not be near any guy for a long period of time, so I couldn't get hurt. But Hunter, I fell in love with you," am I actually saying this out loud?! "and I'm scared you're going to be like the others." My whole body goes numb. "Even my dad, when I was just a kid." I start sobbing into my hands. I figure he won't know what to do and just leave. Even my friends did that, which is why this job is the only thing I have left.

I probably scared the crap out of him. I hear the step creek. Good job Amy, now you don't even have him.

I figure he left, but then I look up and see him standing on the ground on the side of the steps so we're at face level.

"Hey," he takes my face and holds it so we're looking at each other. He's so gentle, something I've never felt from a guy. That's when I realize he has tears in running down his face almost as much as me. "I would never hurt you. I would treat you like the Queen of the world and if anybody ever laid a finger on you, I would hurt them 100 times worse than they hurt you." He looks right in my eyes and if I try to look away he puts his face in front of mine, for the first time someone didn't pull my face to theirs. He wipes the tears off my face with his thumbs and occasionally lets go wipe his own. "Listen to me," his voice is so shaky, I know he was crying but I never expected him to be this upset. "I can't reverse your past and believe me if I could I would, unfortunately all I can do is hopefully change your future, and I can make it so bright. I will make it as bright as I can. So bright that it will make people go blind if they look at us too long! I will never hurt you. I will be here for you," he peels the hair off my face so I can actually see. "You don't have to run anymore. You don't have to be afraid."

I'm a little hesitant considering he's known of my existence for less than a month. "I'm just so scared." I look down so the tears will fall off my face instead of run down it. I pry his hands off my face, he puts his forehead on mine and intertwines our fingers. After a minute or two I look up at him. His eyes are soft and kind, he's so beautiful and I guess I never realized how much I've fallen for him until now. I do the unthinkable and grab his face kissing him for maybe 2 seconds. I pull away and scoot back a little. I pull my sleeves over my hands so I can wipe my tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He cuts me off and yanks me into another kiss. I finally feel, for a second, free. It's like time stands still. I'm the girl who was raped, then went into hiding. I'm not the weird girl that keeps to herself and is socially awkward. I'm myself. I'm Amy. The person I've wanted to be for so long but was too scared to let out.

He pulls back slowly and puts his forehead on mine. "I fell for you too. I saw you the first day and worked up the courage to talk to you after those couple shows. I knew I wanted to get to know you more than anybody else. And Amy, I want to get to know you and call you mine." He says in a hopeful voice.

The tears are no longer pain tears but overwhelmingly happy tears. "Hunter you've known me for three weeks.." I say as I continue to wipe the tears from my face.

"So? I know people who have fallen in love within hours, even minutes and I was one of those people! I fell before I even met you. AMY I LOVE YOU!" He laughs and shakes my shoulder playfully.

"Okay Okay! Come here." I pull him towards me and melt our lips together again. Something about him seems so right, like this time it's not going down the same roads as before. I don't see my past boyfriends in him, I see a caring loving boy who is respectful and protective.

A few minutes later I pulls away. He sits down next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Ya know, I was always jealous of butterflies." I mumble.

"Yeah.... you said something about that earlier. What does that even mean?" He asks, pulling me closer.

"Well, they start out as caterpillars. When they don't feel like inching through life anymore with all the weight they have, they just curl up into a cocoon and they turn into this whole new creature, new, untouched." I take a deep breath, I don't feel like crying anymore. "I guess, I figured that, if I stayed in hiding for long enough my problems would disappear."

He sighs "Yeah I know the feeling."

"Well being bullied is one thing, my story is a jus little different."

"Okay well not that feeling, but just the loneliness. I was trapped in Louisiana because of school which I didn't even want to go to anyways. I was the weird kid."

"Yeah well at least you aren't afraid of half the population." I can't help but smile. I mean I haven't been in a real relationship before, one where I'm not the only one caring.

I go to stand up, but before I can Hunter picks me up bridal style, again.

"Where too?" He ask pretending to be a driver. I point to a patch to grass that looks not over the city, but where there's more stars than street lights. He runs down the hill and bounces on purpose. I throw my head back in laughter, he puts me down and plops right next to me, I roll on my side and wrap my arms around his chest.



"Can... you not tell any-"

"I won't." He looks at me with his eyebrow up so far it almost touches his hair line.

"Hahaha! Okay." I can't stop laughing at the faces he's making! He's so adorable! After we stop giggling like little kids, we sit and look at the stars.

I close my eyes with my nose nuzzled in his chest and almost fall asleep, until the sound of a huge truck that made both of us jump up.

I look into the distance and see who it is. "Shit." I mumble under my breath. I'm trying to figure out what I have to say as I look at Hunter who is so confused. The last thing I want is for him to get hurt.

Tears are coming and I know someone is going to get hurt. I just don't know who. I pray to God that its not Hunter. If he ever gets hurt because of me I don't think I could ever forgive myself.

Butterflies (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now