Chapter 7

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I sit up out of breath and gasp. I wipe my hair off my face and look around trying to figure out were I am. A deep sigh escapes my mouth when I realized I'm on the bus. I check my phone for the time 2:48. I sit up and put my feet on the ground to try and calm down. I know Hunter told me to wake him up every time I had a nightmare, but he has gotten little sleep in the past week because of me. He is helping me through this amazingly, but he is looking more and more tired and I think people are starting to notice. He tells them he works on his music, and honestly he does sometimes. He'll drag Devo or Sam back there and they jam until 2 in the morning. I usually stay up and listen to them even though Hunter tells me to go to sleep. But that isn't always why he was tired.

I stand up and sneak to the fridge. Even though the door to their beds is closed, I know Hunter is listening even while he's sleeping. I'm surprised my gasp didn't wake him up.

I open up the fridge, get a bottle of water, then sit back down, taking a huge gulp and lay down trying to calm myself. I put my hair up in a bun, I'm not really tired but I decide to go to sleep anyways.


I wake up later that morning to the guys trying to be quiet in the kitchen area, but they can't be in the same room for 5 minutes without laughing. I realize how groggy my voice is when I say "Hey guys." I try to clear my throat and stretch my arms out. I sit up get a little light headed.

They all said hi, hey or good morning. Then Sam says "Amy can I talk to you for a second, outside? We can go get food at Burger King."

"Um, yeah sure." I grab my shoes and throw on a sweatshirt over my sports bra. We walk off the bus, Sam and I talk while walking towards the Burger King passing the driver who's filling up. "So wasup?" We both have our hands in our pockets and we're kicking little rocks on the road.

"Um, I, uh," he takes one hand out of his pocket and starts rubbing the back of his neck like Hunter does when he gets nervous.

"Sam whats wrong? You can tell me whats going on." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He takes a deep breath "I haven't talked to Hannah for, well, a while, basically since we've been on tour. So three weeks," He's so nervous and is waving his hand around, also like Hunter. "and I don't know how to talk to her. She's coming backstage for the next show and I don't know how- I don't want her- I just don't want her to think I'm ignoring her. I need a woman's advice and you're the only woman who I talk to, and if you don't wanna help me its fine I-"

"Sam!" I laugh and squeeze his shoulder so he will look at me, we stop for a second. "You need to call her. Tell her that you miss her and are looking forward to the show." We start walking again then stop again in front of the door. "Shes going to think you forgot and just don't care. Us women think you guys forget everything, because you usually do. Oh, and don't say I didn't forget because that just makes it sound like you did forget and just remembered like 5 minutes ago."

"Umm okay, thanks Amy." He looks down at his feet almost ashamed.

We walk into the Burger King, get everyone's food, and start walking back.

"You know he loves you. Right?" Sam says abruptly.

"What?" I know what he's talking about but it kinda came outta nowhere.

"Hunter. He seriously can't stop talking about you and every time we go to write, no matter how it starts out it turns into a love song. He just turns Amy into baby."

"Really?" I can feel my face going red.

"But even at sound check he just tells us about something you did, and if you guys haven't talked a lot that day, he complains about how he misses you." He starts laughing "It's annoying!" We both laugh as we reach the bus. "Thank you again seriously I don't know what I would've done."

"You're welcome, and thank you for telling me that. I uh- just, thanks."

"Don't worry, he's in love with you." He smiles and walks on the bus. In love with me?... I'll take it.

I follow him and the guys almost attack us trying to get their food. "Hey Amy you wanna wake Hunter up?" Matt asks with his face full of food.

"Uh, Sure." I smile. I can hear him and the whole band laughing. I just roll eyes. "Oh shut up!" I say trying to be serious, but it's really hard to be serious around.

I open the door, walk back to Hunter's bunk and kneel down. I open the curtain, the lights are still down so he doesn't wake up. He's sleeping like a kid on his side clenching a pillow.

I take a deep breath and put my hands over him. "BOO!" I yell and tickle his stomach. He jumps up and hits his head on the top of the bunk. I put my hand over my mouth so he can't see me laughing. I thought he would be mad but he's laughing right along with me. I lay my head on his bare chest laughing uncontrollably then slide down on his bed and he grabs a shirt and slips it on.

He picks my head up by my cheek softly and kisses me. "Hey beautiful."

I grab his neck and kiss him again. He rolled off his bed on top of me. I bang my head on the ground and just laugh but our lips never left each others. He sits up while I sit up with him. I never want this kiss to end. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, then he spins me around almost falling. We're laughing so hard, but still kissing. We're such a mess!

We go back into his studio and he lays me down on the bed. I rip off the shirt he just put on, he tries to take off my sweatshirt but he's not doing very well. I brake the kiss and laugh "Are you having trouble there?" He sits down on the bed and I crawl over with my legs on either side of him.

"Yeah, how do you even get this thing on?"

I can't help but laugh even harder "How is it that you can play 30 instruments but can't figure out how to take off my sweatshirt?"

"I- I don- I have no clue!" I take it off trying to make fun of him, but when I throw it on the ground and turn back around our foreheads touch each other's. We get quiet and he cups my cheek with his hand.

We're just about to kiss again when Matt opens the door. We both turned quickly and I gasp because it scared the crap out of me! Matt's eyes just get really wide. "Oooooooookay um your guys' food is getting cold." He points to the front of the bus then walks out laughing at the most awkward situation I've ever been in. Oh Lord.

I just look at Hunter and put my head on his chest, laughing out of embarrassment. "Oh my God I'm never going to be able to look at him again!"

"At least you don't have to play gigs with him every night!" I get on his back and I hug his neck as he walks out to get our food. I have my head buried in his shoulder, assuming Matt told the band everything that just happened. I tried to avoid eye contact to keep the level of awkwardness at a minimum.

Hunter heats up our food with me still on his back like a monkey. I can hear them laughing and I can feel Hunter giggling through his shoulders. Nobody is even saying anything it's just laughter which makes it even more awkward. He shakes his head, still giggling, and says "Shut up."

He carries me and our food back into his studio then sits down on the chair. I sit on his lap as we eat the gross fast food.

He brushs off his hands when he finishes and says "Hey I wanna play you something." I get up so he can grab his guitar and tune it. "Very technical stuff." I shake my head and giggle.

He starts strumming and I automatically know what song it is. I put my hand over my mouth, my face in my hands and just start laughing for some unknown reason. "Oh my God."

Butterflies (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now