Chapter 27

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*9 months later*

"Hunter. Hunter. HUNTER!" I yell in between breaths.

He rolls over towards me with his eyes cracked open. "Mmmmm." he groans.

"We need to go. The baby is coming." He sits up with his eyes wide open.

He immediately hugs me. "Oh my gosh!"

"Hunter we can hug later, we need to go, NOW!" I can't bare the pain at this point. My water just broke and being as small as I am, it looks like someone just stuck a watermelon up my shirt more than I actually am pregnant.

"Sorry!" He lets go and grabs me some clothes. He throws on a shirt, jeans and his converse and helps me get up. "C'mon." He helps me up off the bed and leads me out to the car. We get in and he speeds down the highway towards the hospital.


"Yeah?" He asks looking at me then back at the road.

"When we get there call your parents and, and then Taylor. I need as many females here as I can get!" I grabs his hand and squeeze, wincing in pain. Finally that contraction ends and I let go and let out a sigh of relief. I throw my head back on the seat waiting for the next one to come hoping we can get some drugs in me soon. I want it to be as natural as possible, but me being so small and our baby so big, no drugs was out of the question.


I'm laying on the bed as the drugs started kick in.


"Yeah." He pushs his lips together and moves closer to the bed and grabs my hand.

"I want you to be honest,"

"Of course." He pushes my hair off my face rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"What do you want?" We decided not to find out, I've tried to ask him before but he never answers. "I want to know before we have this kid. Hunter, what do you want?!" I'm starting to get irritated.

He hangs his head then looks back up at me. He pauses for a minute then shrugs his shoulders. "I'll be honest, I want a boy."

I nod head. "But, will you be disappointed if its not?"

"No no no! Of course not!" He whispers and kisses my forehead. "I will be happy with whatever we end up having."

I nod my head again and close my eyes. I had to know. I was told over and over when I was little that I was supposed to be a boy. They always told me they wished I would've been a boy so I could carry the family name. I just want to know that he won't be mad if it isn't what he wants. "Hunter." I whisper.


"Can you sing? Not really out loud, just to me?"

He looks around, clearing his throat by coughing a few times. "What song babe?"

"Anything. I just need to hear you sing."

He thinks for a minute then looks down smiling.

"Her eyes, her eyes,
Make the stars look like their not shining
Her hair her hair falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday." I smile because he knows that's my favorite Bruno Mars song and I know every word.

Once he finishes I say "Thank you." I smile and grab his shirt pulling him down to me and kiss him. I let go and grab his hand clenching it. "Get the doctor, the get nurse, GET SOMEBODY!" He smiles and runs out and calls the doctor. He runs in followed by a few nurses. "Hunter get your Mom. I need her in here."

"Sure." He runs and sticks his head in the hallway. "MA!" He comes in with Lynette running as fast as she can behind him.

"Aw, Amy." She brushes my hair with her hand. "Calm down. Just take short breaths." I see Hunter freaking out in the corner. "HUNTER!" He turns around to face her. "Get your butt over here! Your wife is having the baby, not you!"

He runs over to my other side and grabs my hand. I look over at Lynette. "Thank you. For coming in here and," I squeeze their hands in pain. "And being here for me." I let out a breath when the doctor tells me to push.

"No problem sweetie. Alright let's do this, Hunter don't pass out." She says.

"No promises." He answers nervously.

I look up at him. "You okay?"

"Quit thinking about me! You need to push, c'mon. I'm right here, by your side." I want to smile and kiss him but I'm in so much pain I can barley keep my eyes open.

I look at the doctor. "I need to push. NOW!"

Butterflies (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now