Chapter 6

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I open my eyes. I'm laying in a bed, and I can't move. All I see is a white ceiling, a fan, and darkness.

I finally get the strength to sit up and look around. The only light in the room is the slight light from in between the curtains covering the window. As I start to move more I realize I have a bunch of wires and needles hanging off of me, which I can't look at too long without passing out. A lady walks in. "Hi sweetie, my name is Olivia. Do you know who you are?"

"Yeah I'm Am- Amelia Elizabeth Long."

"Good! Now do you know where you are?" She walks over and helps me sit up, examining me.

"No, not really... where am I?"

"Yeah. You were defiantly out. Amy you're at the hospital. Last night when you were at the cabin," That actually happened? It wasn't just a dream? She's taking all the wires off of me while she was talking then walks over and hands me my clothes. "you suffered two very hard punches to your head and jaw. Also you're going to have some marks on your neck from where the male grabbed you. Its going to be sore for a couple of days but we have medication for you. You will be able to go home as soon as we process your paperwork and get this sorted out." She almost walks away but turns around really fast. "Oh and one last thing. Do you know the male that was, hurting you last night? They are trying to identify him..."

"Yeah its my dad, Allen Long. Why do they need to identify him? Why don't they just ask him?"

The nurse shakes her head and looks down. "Your father," She looks up at me and gets really quiet. "shot himself last night." I don't know why I'm not upset. I should be crying right now but I'm not. All I can think about is Hunter. "He turned the gun on himself. He died around midnight last night here at the hospital, he said he never should have hurt, um I cant remember.... oh yeah. Emily...?" Mom.

I totally forgot that he didn't know Mom took her life since he got out of jail a few days before. "Just call me if you need anything sweetie. Alright?"

I can't help but let out a sigh of relief it wasn't Hunter. The nurse reaches the door. "Olivia?"

"Yes?" She smiles.

"Do you know where the other guy at the house last night is? The one that called 911, that was with me?" All I want is Hunter at this point. I want him to be with me and to tell me everything is going to be okay.

She points at me but looks behind me, I'm sitting on the edge of the bed. She winks, smiles and walks out.

I spin around and see Hunter on a cot sleeping right next to me. I let out another sign -out loud this time- and smile.

He's so cute when he sleeps. I almost don't want to wake him. I sit there for a while watching him. He has his right arm tucked behind his head and his left hand resting on his chest. I quickly put my clothes on then crawl on his bed. "Hunter!" I whisper.

He blinks his eyes open. It takes him a few seconds to realize where he's at. "AMY!" He jumps up and hugs me which almost pushes me back on the bed. "I thought I lost you," he starts tearing up, he pulls away from the hug and holds my face. "When you meet someone you realize you cant live without, you realize how much they impact your life like no one else has before. When you lose that person, you lose everything. I thought I lost you, I thought I lost everything last night. You passed out and I heard I gun shot. I thought it was my mind telling me you were gone, and then I passed out."

Which explains why you were on top of me and not moving!

I squeeze him again, even tighter than before. Nobody has ever said something even close to that to me before but it feels perfect, better than that. We're in a hospital bed, and now both my parents are dead, but in that moment my life feels perfect.

"Hunter. I can't thank you enough. He had a gun and if you hadn't done that I wouldn't be here right now. Thank you for saving my life, again."

"Thank you for changing mine." he's sobbing into my shoulder.

"Hunter, stop." I pull out of the hug and hold his shoulders. I wipe the tears off his face and laugh at how ridiculous we probably look. He cracks a smile and starts laughing with his shoulders. He sniffs in for the last time and pulls me in for a kiss.

I smile against him for a minute but I pull back, realizing that my Dad killed himself hours before. I, now in tears again for the millionth time in the past 24 hours, say "Hunter my Dad took his life, because years ago my Mom took her's. He didn't know and I never thought I would have no parents. But now I don't. I don't even know what to feel."

"I don't know how to feel either but I can tell you this: You're going to be with me this whole tour and I will help you through this. We're going to go through the motions. Together. When you are down and when you are up I will be right there with you, cheering you on. When you have bad days I will do what I can to make them better," he grabs my hands and intertwines his fingers with mine. "I'm right here with you, always."

I wipe my face with our hands still together, but now it hurts because of all the rubbing and crying. I think Hunter can tell because kisses the tears off my face with the softest lips I've ever felt. He kisses me and I smile against his lips, giggling. I never thought I would be this in love with someone this fast, and it scares me. "Hey can we get out of here?"

"Yeah," he smiles and bites his lip "lets go."

He picks me up bridal style and my head goes back in laughter. "You like doing that don't you Hayes?"

"Only with you!"


At the counter I sign my last paper and we're finally out of there.

Before we walk out a nurse runs over and asks "Amy what do you want to do with your father? We can arrange a funeral or-"

I cut her off "Burn his ass to the ground and dump him in a trash can."

Hunter snorts trying to hold in his laughter.

"Uh, will do m'am." The lady smiles hesitantly and walks away.

I walk out a little in front of Hunter. "What was that all about?" He asks trying to be serious.

"I've grieved for my dad enough in my life. He doesn't deserve anything more from me." I get in the car and shut the door.

"Wow you're so cute when you're sassy!" Hunter laughs so hard he can barely start the car.

"Well I mean.." I flip my hair back over my shoulder dramatically. We both laugh uncontrollably as we pull out the parking lot.

Butterflies (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now