Chapter 10

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"I FUCKING HATE EVERYONE!" I scream as I walk into our apartment. I sit my bags on the counter and run over a slam my face into a pillow on the couch.

"Hey are you okay?" Hunter comes out from behind the wall and walks over to me starting to rub my back.


"Hey." His voice is soft and kind just like him, but I'm not and I just want to hit myself with a bus along with everyone else in the world. "Just tell me-"

"NO I'M DONE!" I push his hand off my back and run into the bedroom, slamming the door.

I had the worst day in the world and I want to kill everyone. I was treated like dirt by everyone and they think that I think I'm special just because I'm dating Hunter. When I complain to my new MALE boss that nobody is doing what they are supposed to be, and I'm doing all the work, he just tells me I'm overreacting or I'm PMSing or something. But on top of that, today I carried something that was way too heavy for me. I almost broke my arm and my boss called me a wimp and laughed. Then I dropped my phone and the back got all cracked, I got a parking ticket and was in the longest line of traffic on the way home

"Amy, please talk to me. I hate seeing you like this." There's clear pain in his voice but I don't care. I want to quit and tell my boss to shove it, and just sleep for 3 years, but I can't because that means leaving Hunter.

"JUST GO AWAY.... I HATE YOU!" I immediately put my hand over my mouth realizing what I had just said and burst into tears, weeping into my pillow. I pick up Hunters pillow and throw it at the door. I hate myself for always screwing things up and ruining peoples lives.

I hear the front door open, close, and lock.

He's gone. what have you done? You're such an idiot! I begin to cry again realizing he could be leaving for good.


I wake up and look at the clock which says 9:26. Did I really sleep for 4 hours? I look down realizing I haven't moved or changed clothes. I get out of bed, change my clothes, and unplug my phone. I see my screen saver of me and Hunter at the award show last week and smile. I look at Hunter and realize what I had said and how I didn't apologize. "Hunter." I say to myself and barge out the bedroom door. I look everywhere. "Hunter! Hunter?! HUNTER?! I run outside and see that his car is missing, my heart sinks. If he's really gone that long I don't know if he will come back any time soon.

I run back inside and call Sam, Devo, Matt, Steve, and Andy. None of them have seen or heard from him. I call Swiss, Nitro, I even call his tour bus driver and none of them know where he is. I try calling him at least 15 times but all I get is voicemail. I text him and text him but they just deliver. I grab my keys and my phone then run to my car. I hop in and just look at the steering wheel. I bang on it a bunch of times "why...." I start to cry again "...WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?! YOU SAID YOU WOULD BE HERE FOR ME AND NOW YOU'RE NOT WHEN I NEED YOU!" I tear out of the parking lot and speed down the road.

I blast my music up to 100 and whip into Sam's drive way. I run up to his door as fast as I can and before I can even knock he opens it. "Sam can I talk to you?"

He looks worried, probably because I look like a clown with my makeup everywhere. "Of course! Come in!" I walk in with him behind me, I sit on his couch and put my head down.

"Sam I ruined everything!" I cry through my hands. I meet his gaze with glossy eyes, he sits right next to me. "I yelled at Hunter when I got home and I heard him leave and his car isn't there and I can't find him and I don't know what to do. He hates me now and I think he finally got tired of my complaining and shit and just left."

"Amy. Hunter would never do that!"

"Yeah? Well he just did!" I put my head back in my hands and weep some more. "Losing him is worse than losing my own parents!"

"Hunter wouldn't do that."


"AMY! He is so in love with you he COULDN'T leave you! Even if he wanted to! Him leaving you would be like him quitting his music career, its never going to happen!"

I shake my head "Sam he already left..."

"Don't worry he'll show up." He rubs my back just like Hunter did earlier. I miss him and it hasn't even been 30 minutes since I knew he left.

"If he doesn't come back I will never be strong enough." I whisper.

Sam scoffs "Hey, look you don't need him to be strong."

I meet his gaze again. "Yes I do! Sam, there have been so many nights where I would have been so alone and afraid and screaming and just terrified but he stayed right there with me the whole time! You don't understand!"

We sit in silence for a minute. He pulls me close and rubs my shoulder as I silently let tears pour out of my eyes.

"I was going to try and say I understand... but I can't because I haven't been in your, or his situation. I'll grab my keys and we'll go find him. Okay?" He looks down at me and smiles hopefully. "But I'm driving cause I don't need you killing anyone!"

I smile back and wipe the tears from my face "Okay." I follow Sam to my car and we take off down the highway.

Butterflies (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now