Chapter 1

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"That's it," Jade shook her fist at her miserable looking foe. "I am never coming back to this forsaken place ever again!"

"Good, I was beginning to think you were going to be a permanent fixture in this house like that poison ivy on the east wall," Permelia nonchalantly observed her carefully done up nails. Her beautiful gold curls and red gown swayed in the breeze

"You're the poison ivy in this house. You cling to things that rightfully belong to me," Jade untamed hair moved wildly with her furious movements.

"Little girl, your dead father left me this estate in his will. You can badger me all you want but I am the mistress of this hovel now," Permelia's green eyes flashed dangerously.

"I know you switched wills when the lawyer wasn't looking; I know how your mind works," Jade muttered. Her amber eyes were narrowed on her stepmother as she picked her rucksack up. She turned to leave but Permelia stopped her.

"I know you have that necklace with you. I would suggest you give it back with haste or there will be severe consequences," Permelila purred making Jade shudder. She wondered what was going through her father's mind when he assumed this woman was worthy of joining their family.

Jade feigned ignorance, "What necklace?"

"The one with the Burmese ruby. It was named very specifically in the will so I would suggest you give it back or I shall have to report you to the magistrate," Permelia stood up, the train of her gown swishing behind her attractively.

"It belonged to my mother! Father gave it to her for their wedding," Jade whispered, now frightened that the only thing she had that was ever her mother's was going to be taken away from her.

"When your father died he was married to me. Think of it as a late wedding present to me."

"Fine! Take it. You've already taken everything from me," Jade pulled out a green emerald box from her rucksack and threw it at her stepmother's feet.

"Tsk, tsk, you have such abominable manners. I wonder what your mother would say if she were alive."

"Don't talk about my mother," Jade warned quietly.

"And you'll do what?" Permelia smirked, "Now, shoo, I have a party to organize and looking at your face gives me a headache."

Jade felt her hands shake with rage but she controlled herself. Ripping out the woman's hair was something that would surely wipe that smirk off her stepmother's face but it would also get her into trouble and she had no money left to bail herself out.

Jade turned away and walked towards the door. She looked around the hallway and was hit by numberous memories of sliding down the banister and running to and fro from the garden. She opened the solid oak door and walked on a path that led towards the main gate. The carriage path was surrounded by large dark green ferns. She looked towards her left and was saddened to see her rundown tree house. The frayed, rope ladder was still hanging, waiting for its former mistress to jump back in to play tea party with her friends. She tried to remember when precisely the tree house had been abandoned for more adventurous pursuits but she couldn't pinpoint a specific time.

Clouds rumbled in the distance hinting at a storm in the future.

"Perfect," she muttered.

Jade was almost out of the gate when she heard someone rushing behind her.

"Miss, miss," Ambrose called out. Her father's coach driver wheezed as he tried to catch his breath.

"I heard you were leaving, Miss," Ambrose spoke mournfully.

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