Chapter One: The talk

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I sat on the rim of my balcony and looked over. It was a beautiful day outside with the flowers blooming and the sun just rising. I love to wake up to the sun rise. I'm Amy, Amy rose from the kingdom of Roselyn. I'm a 16 year old pink hedgehog. "Amy dear, may I speak to you." Called my mother from the outside of my door.

I off my balcony rail and walked to my door. I opened it for my mother and let her in. "Yes mom, what would you like to speak about?" I asked as I sat and crossed my legs. "Well I wanted to talk to you about having a body guard, such as a knight." Stated my mother as she looked at me with shining emerald eyes. She knew I hated the idea of being protected.

"Mom, I know you love me and have the deepest concern for me but, I can protect myself." I raised my rapier and got into my fighting stance. "Amy, a princess shouldn't be welding weapons like that." Cried my mother. I sighed and gave up on defeat.

"Ok you did you have in mind?" I asked. My mother smiled. "A nice young knight from the kingdom of Möbius." Said my mother. I sighed deeply not really wanting a knight. "Trust me Amy, you will be happy with the new knight." Stated my mother as she walked to the door.

I followed behind her and walked downstairs. As I did the idea of a knight kept playing threw my head. I walked off outside and started to wonder what he would look like. I hope it's not someone too stuffy.

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