Chapter Four : Double life

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Tails led me to a different segment of the castle I had never seen before in my entire life. It was a large line green building with vines twisted up on the outer walls. "So Aaron what kingdom are you from?" Asked Tails as we walked into the building. My eyes darting as I thought. "Uhh, bur.... don.. a. Burdona! Yep I'm from Burdona." I said as I sweat dropped.

Tails chuckled. "I never heard of that place before." "Yep, it's far south from here." I said as I laughed. We were finally at the head knights room, it was sealed away by two large double doors. As I looked at the doors I gulped feeling nervous and wondering what I had gotten myself into.

We walked into the room and the doors eerily shut behind us. We walked up to a red echidna with purple eyes, he was wearing silver armor as well. "What is it Tails and friend?" Said the red echidna without turning around. "Well Knuckles sir, we have a new recruit." Said Tails in his little voice. Knuckles turned around and looked at me as if he was piercing through my soul, I shivered.

"First the annoying blue pest and now this newbie." Said Knuckles in a smart tone. "What's your name newbie?" Said Knuckles rudely. "Aaron, sir." I said with my best male voice. Knuckles paced back and forth as he stared me. "Ok, your in but the only person I can put you with is the blue maniac." Chuckled Knuckles. I shrugged and nodded my head.

"I'm fine with that sir." I said as I bowed. Knuckles just patted my back and walked over to the doors. "Lets go greet the blue hedgehog with his new partner." Stated knuckles as he walked out to Sonic's tent. I followed close behind while getting stares from other knights. I felt like an wild animal, even though I guess I am an animal but anyway. The stares felt heavy and cold as if they were crushing body.

We arrived at Sonic's tent and he was laying down with his eyes closed and his legs crossed. "Hey blue boy, you got a partner." Stated Knuckles. Sonic cracked his right eye open and looked at me. He was so cute at the moment! Wait... What am I thinking!? Sonic chuckled and sprung up.

"I'm Sonic, and who might you be?" Said Sonic cocky like. "Aaron, nice to meet you." I spoke in a stiff manner. Sonic laughed. "Your so stiff, I'm going to have to break that habit if we can truly hang out!" Said Sonic as he slapped my back. I jerked forward a bit and shyly laughed.

Tails face palmed himself and Knuckles closed his eyes and shook his head. "Hey Aaron you wanna walk around." Asked Sonic. I smiled and nodded my head and we walked off.

Xx Night Time xX
Everyone was sleep and in their tents. It was dark everywhere since the lamps were out. I know that my mom and dad were wondering where I went so I quickly took off my armor and ran out of Sonic's tent with my armor in my bag. I was close to the the castle gates until Sonic popped out if the trees and fell feet first on the ground.

"Heya Amy, what are you doing here?" Asked Sonic. "Uhhh I just came here to talk to my friend Tails!" I said quickly without thinking. Sonic smiled. "Tails is nothing short of a genius and great friend, I can understand that you two would get along. He's very friendly." Spoke Sonic in a confident tone.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah Tails is a really nice guy." I said cheerfully. Sonic then looked up. "So Amy, would you like to walk you back into the gates?" Asked Sonic in a shy manner. "Sonic I'm not that far away from the kingdom." I said pointing to the kingdom. "Yeah, I know but I want to walk with you I don't mind." Proclaimed Sonic. I smiled and took Sonic's hand as we walked. "Hey Amy." Said Sonic. "Yes?" I said back. "I got a new partner, his name is Aaron." Spoke Sonic happily. I jumped a bit as then have him a soft smile.

"I've heard of him, I'm pretty sure you two will get along just fine."

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