Chapter Eighteen: A bit broken hearted.

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I took my father to the dungeon and threw him in, I sat on the ground in tears. My father looked up at me with a soft face, I didn't know wether it was a trick or out of love for his daughter. "Amy, don't make the same mistake I did." He said looking down. "What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused. "Don't lose the love or your life over something petite, I just lost mine for power that I could never have." He said with tears running down his face. That made me start thinking about mom's smiling face when she was around me, I started to clutch my hand into a fist.

"But why did you hurt her like you did?" I asked wanting to know his reasons. "Because I wanted her to leave me, she knew I was the Dark Knight and yet she chose to stay with me. I wanted her to go and start a better life with you, but she refused when I asked her." He said as he caressed something in his hand. "What's that?" I asked sniffling a bit. "Your mother's necklace..." He said crying a bit more. "You didn't have to kill her, you and I both know that." I said standing up and pacing back and forth.

"I know I didn't, and I wasn't thinking when I did, I just wanted the power." Said my father squeezing the necklace. "Now you've got nothing." I said walking out and leaving him alone in the dark. However I was taking much thought to his words when he said to not lose my love. "Do I love him or have I lost that spark?" I asked my self as I leaned into the wall, looking at the damaged ballroom. There was still blood from where my mother had died, it was a horrifying sight. "Im sorry." Said a voice from the side of me. I looked over and saw Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic kneeling down and lowering their heads.

"I lied and I'm sorry guys." I said looking down at them. They stood up and Tails walked up to me. "Amy, why did you pretend to be a knight?" He asked wanting to know my reasoning. "Well because being a princess trapped behind castle walls isn't fun, I wanted to fight, I wanted to protect my friend and family along with all the citizens of Roselynn. And I wanted to be closer to Sonic, considering he was a knight I was really excited to be around him and all." I said with a blush placed across my muzzle. "Amy...." Said Sonic with a blush plastered on his face as well.

Tails and Knuckles saw what was going on and bowed to me as they walked off. "Im sorry Sonic, I didn't mean to worry you at all." I said looking down. "It's not the fact that you lied to be a knight, it's the fact that I almost lost you... twice." He sighed walking closer to me. I backed away, not feeling I deserved his pity. "No Sonic, I lied and misused your trust. I also almost died on your watch, you could have for into trouble because of my reckless actions." I said as I pulled my rapier out. "Here...." I said placing it in his hands. "Amy, why are you giving me this?" He asked looking concerned. "Im giving up, thanks to me my mom is already dead. I don't wanna lose anybody else!" I yelled with tears going down my rosy pink cheeks. I quickly dashed past Sonic and left the ballroom with a slam of the door. I wasn't going to cause anymore trouble.

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