Chapter Two: My knight arrives

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Three days had passed since my mother talked about the arrival of my knight from Möbius. Today was finally the day, the day I see the one I'm stuck with. I was standing outside the gates, waiting for my knight so I could bring him back to the kingdom.

I wanted to be the first to see him so that I could see who I'm dealing with. I walked to the arrival spot of the knight and waited. After a good 10 minutes a wagon pulled up in the spot. The door opened and out hopped a blue hedgehog in silver armor.

In my opinion he was fairly cute. He turned my way and bowed. "Princess Amy, I'm glad to serve you." He stated as he bowed. I put in my best fake smile. It's not that I didn't like him or anything, I just don't want a knight. "Thank you. But what is your name?" I asked in a curious voice. "Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog." He said in a cocky tone.

I smiled knowing he wasn't so stuck up. "Well we should head back to the kingdom, many people want to meet you sir Sonic." I said in my causal tone. He gave a thumbs up. It made me laugh. "I'm sorry I have to take you on this dull and long trip back." I said as we walked down the stairs of the pathway. "We can get there faster if you like." Said Sonic in his cocky tone. "Oh, how?" I asked.

Sonic smiled and picked me up in a bridal style position and zoomed off. I tried to look at where we were going but everything was moving so quickly. Next I knew it were back at Roselyn kingdom. He put me back on the ground and laughed. "Fast huh?" Said Sonic. I nodded my head in a daze.

Sonic began laughing again. This time I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm the fastest thing alive, I'm used to the speed." Said sonic as he gave a thumbs up. I nodded my head and tried to walk forward, but I was stumbling everywhere like I was drunk. "Let me help you." Sonic grabbed my hand and guided me to the kingdom.

I know we just met and all but I couldn't help but blush lightly. "Sonic I see you made it here, and in record time." Stated my mother. "Yep, he's a very quick one." I said with a smile. I noticed that as we talked to my mother Sonic and I were still holding hands.

I took my hand away from his and he looked my way. I smiled and he did also. "Well Sonic I hope you and my daughter get along." Said my mother as she let us take our leave. I wanted to ask why he was still holding my hand while we talked to mother, but I just kept it to myself.

"I will show you around the kingdom." I said happily. "Alright, I'm up for that." Said Sonic as he followed behind me. We walked around the castle and I showed Sonic every room and everyone in them.

"Lastly, is my room." I said opening my door. Sonic walked into my room and looked around. "Hey Amy, why do you have a rapier?" Asked Sonic as he picked it up and tossed it and caught it again. "Well, why wouldn't I?" I asked as I placed a hand on my hip. "I thought they didn't let princesses handle weapons." Said Sonic as he shrugged. "Well, I'm a bit different from other princesses." I stated as I grab it and swiped at Sonic.

He jumped at the sudden action and laughed. "Well looks like your trained." He said as nodded. "Sure have hedgehog, so I gladly challenge you to an exhibition match." I smiled a cocky smile. We walked to the training room to get ready for the match.

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