Chapter Seven: Aaron and Sonic's mission pt.2

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Sonic's point of view

I was already at Vine Valley and was tired of waiting for Aaron, so I decided to get a jump start on looking for the gemstone. I walked into this room with vines everywhere and a pillar in the middle, there lied the broken gemstone. The sunlight from outside shone brightly giving the gemstone a beautiful but faint glow, I walked to it with my sword in hand. I was in arms length of the gemstone until I felt the vines start to pull me downwards, I quickly jumped up and sliced the vines with my sword.

As I did something silver caught my eyes, I looked closer and saw it was Aaron. "Aaron, hold on!" I yelled in distress as I sliced through vine after vine. "S-Sonic?" He said weakly as the vines wrapped tighter around his body. I finally sliced through all the vines and grabbed Aaron's hand, pulling him towards me. He slid from the vines and fell onto the ground next to me.

"Thank you." He said weakly as he held his stomach. "No prob, but are you ok?" I asked a bit concerned. He nodded his head and stood up. "Lets just try and focus on getting the gemstone." Said Aaron as he pulled out his rapier. I looked at the pattern on the rapier, something about it looked familiar but I had no time to think about that. The vines were grabbing at us and I couldn't let my guard down even for a second.

The vines lashed at us and I jumped out of the way, I sliced through the vine and quickly went to slice through the others. Aaron was slicing a vine in front of him as another snuck up behind his back, I quickly turned around and called to Aaron. "Aaron behind you!" I yelled. He turned around and grabbed the vine, it slung him towards the gemstone and he cut it. Aaron landed on the platform with the shattered gemstone and quickly gathered it all into a small pouch.

He was about to jump off until a vine grabbed him and threw him off the platform. "Aghh!" Growled Aaron in pain. I stabbed the vine and it retreated in fear and pain. I ran over to Aaron and saw that he was ok, the fear I had built up inside me disappeared. "Aaron you hand me scared!" I said as I helped him up. "Don't worry so much Sonic, I can take a couple of hits." He said proudly. I smiled at him, and nodded as we walked out of Vine Valley. "That was amazing how you got the gemstone!" I said with a smile.

Aaron smiled back, and laughed. "The vine was a big help." He said brightly. "Your also a great fighter, it reminds me of a princess I know." I said as I thought about Amy. "Oh really, what's her name?" Aaron. "Amy, she's a very beautiful princess. She's also a great fighter with a strong will, I wish she could join Roselynn's knight force." I said dreamily. Aaron smiled. "Yeah, I wish she could too." He said with a soft voice.

We continued walking back to the knights area, we weren't speeding by but just talking about how our first mission went. However as I looked at Aaron's waist and saw the rapier I tried harder and harder to remember where I saw the pattern. Something wasn't clicking in my mind, but I know that the pattern was from someone I knew.

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