Chapter Twenty-two: I marry my Sonikku

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~ One Week Later ~

Our wedding had been quickly set up so we could be married and the Black Knight couldn't resume order, I was in the changing room at the wedding chapel. "When you wish upon a star, you'll truly see how close you are. When your love starts passing on, you'll have two to love upon." Sung Jasmine as she put the now on the back of my wedding dress.

"Oh Jasmine, that was wonderful. Who sings it?" I asked sweetly. "My mother did before she passed on, she called it "My star." She grinned putting my hair into a ponytail. "It sounds wonderful, she must have been a splendid singer." I giggled. Jasmine smiled and nodded happily, "Oh Shallow will come and do your make up." I smiled at her and nodded. "I'm proud of you Amy, and I hope you have a blessed life with Sonic, I will be by your side." She said smiling as she kneeled.

I blushed lightly and giggled, "Thanks Jasmine, I really appreciate it all." "Anything your majesty." She said waving as she left. I sat there waiting for Shallow to come in, I held the bouquet of hybrid roses my mother and I grew ourselves. I was even wearing the necklace she wore on her wedding day, it was all I had left of her. I shed a bit of tears as I thought about her.

"How am I supposed to do your make- up if your crying." Said a sweet voice. I turned around and saw Shallow, I wiped up some of my tears. "Im sorry, your right." I said sniffing a bit. "Still thinking bout cha mom?" Asked Shallow as she pulled out a napkin and wiped my eyes. "Yeah." I said plainly. "Its ok hon, I'm sure she's smiling from heaven as she watches you from above." Said Shallow as she pulled out a make up kit.

I smiled, she was one of the people that always knew how to cheer me up. "Now how do cha want your make up?" She smiled pulling out mascara and blush. "A little mascara and some rosy pink blush please." I stated smiling. Shallow smirked and turned me towards her, she started to apply the make up as I asked her to.

~At the wedding chapel~

Music echoed through the chapel, giving it a soft and cheerful vibe. I watched through the glass as the flower girl threw petals on the ground and skipped through, people awed and smiled. The large doors slowly opened, I saw Sonic standing there looking my way. I smiled walking forward, I hoped I looked decent enough for Sonic.

I made it to the podium where Sonic was standing with a soft blush across his muzzle, I stood in front of him. He gave me a confident smile, I gave him the best one I could mange. The chapel-man began speaking the scripts from the bible, I purred to myself thinking of being married to Sonic. "Sonic do you take Amy as you loftily wedded wife?" Asked the chapel-man.

"I do." Grinned Sonic. The chapel-man looked to me grinning lightly. "And do you Amy take Sonic to be your husband?" Asked the chapel-man. My eyes sparkled lightly, to think it felt like yesterday I hated the thought of having a knight to protect me. Now I was about to marry him, the love between us as strong as my will to fight. "I do." I said closing my eyes.

"Then you may now kiss the bride." He smiled stepping back. Sonic put his hands around my waist and kissed me deeply, I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back. Cheers and applause a erupted in the chapel.

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