Chapter Fourteen: One more day

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"Amy guess what?" Asked my mother as she stroked my head. Today she was released from the infirmary, so now that meant she could now be apart of the ball's preparation. I purred softly and looked up at my mom, I had no answer. "I have no clue, what is it?" I asked with a slightly tilted head. "It's time we get you a ball gown." Said my mother in a dreamy voice. I smiled and laughed at my mother's tone of voice. "Ok, may we go now?" I asked sweetly.

My mother nodded and started to walk out of my room, she held her stomach a bit put she still smiled. I hated the fact that she was almost beat to death, also that's she's still trying to be the best queen/mother while she's hurt. "Mom if your in pain, I can go myself." I said as I ran after her. She turned around and flicked my nose, she had a soft smile on her face. "So your saying you want me to stay at home and let my baby girl choose a dress by herself, not to mention on her first ball." Explained my mom. I knew that she was basically saying that she wasn't staying at home when she could be out helping me get a dress for my first ball. "Plus I know what guys like, and I want you to look beautiful for Sonic." Smiled my mother. I turned a light shade of red and looked away, how could she bring him up at a time like this!?

"So you do like him?" Smiled my mother. I sighed and nodded my head in defeat. "Yes I really like him, but I won't fall in love with him." I said softly. "Why?" Asked my mother as she embraced me sweetly. "Well mom, he's a knight... one day they're here and the next they're dead or gone." I explained sadly. My mom cuddled me softly and kissed my forehead. "I know what you mean, I used to think the same way about your father. But you don't let that discourage you..... just take the time you get to love that person and enjoy it." Smiled mother.

I nodded understanding what she meant, those were the kinda of words that stuck with me all my life. My mom stood back up and took my hand, she had a confident smile. I took her hand as well and I smiled up at her as well, I knew my mother was strong. We walked out the foyer and towards a clothing shop, time to go dress shopping.

We made it to the shop and three ladies ran up to me and started caring me to a fitting room, they seemed excited to test out the new dresses they had just made... on me! The First Lady was a cream like orange hedgehog and had her hair in a ponytail that laid down her back, her name was April. The second was a red echidna that had head and mini clips decorating her quills, her name was May. And the third and last lady was a purplish black panther named Jasmine.

"Ok Amy how about this one!" Squealed May. She held up a green short dress with diamonds all over the chest. I looked at it and thought about it, I'm kinda looking for a longer dress. "No thank you, but I would like a longer dress please." I said looking through the racks with the longer dresses. April and Jasmine with to another rack with longer dresses as well and picked some up for me. April and Jasmine bought me some of the dresses they were able to pick up, I scrolled through them looking for the perfect one.

After a good 2 hours I finally picked out a black silky gown that stopped right at my angles, as my mother left April, May, and Jasmine waved us out. They were very nice and I hopped to see them at the ball. We already had some black flats for the dress, since I thought it was best not to wear heels for our plan. We finally made it to our castle and I went into my room and put my dress in my closet, I was very excited. "Hey Amy, you ready for tomorrow?" Asked. Voice from behind me. I turned around and smiled, it was my dad. "Yes I am, we also have a plan to stop the Black Knight! Were going to lure him with Excalibur, it's the centerpiece." I smiled. "Good plan Amy, he will surely go for the center if Excalibur was there. I can't wait till his brought to justice and killed for all his troublesome ways." Stated my father.

I just nodded my head in agreement.

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