Chapter Nine: A mother's secerts

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"Amy your growing up into a young lady and I think it's about time for you to learn how to fight on your own." Spoke my father. "Really daddy, oh wait I don't have a sword." I said as I looked down. My father laughed softly and ruffled my hair. "You do now." He said with a smile as he gave me the rapier. It had a blue handle with swirling green vines on it and a flower with a pink jewel in the middle.

"I promise to protect not only myself but other innocent people." I said as I hugged the rapier. "I'm proud of you Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy. Amy wake up, wake uppppp." He said softly. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sonic. "Sonic?" I said softly. I looked up at him as I held my head, we were still in the garden. I remembered my dream and tried to figure out what it meant, but nothing was clicking. "Amy what's wrong, are you ok?" He asked with concern. I nodded my head, I didn't want to concern him even more with my dream, I didn't tell him about it.

"You were really out of it, you scared me." Explained Sonic as he gently stroked my cheek. I blushes lightly and smiled, I was glad to know he cared about me. "Oh, where did the Black knight go?" I asked looking worried. Sonic smiled, "I took care of him myself." He said cockily. I laughed softly and tried to stand up, but as soon as I did an aching pain flew though my stomach.

"Ahh!!" I yelled as I stopped moving and laid back down. "Amy, you shouldn't be moving much. He gave you a good punch in the stomach with his sword." Explained Sonic as he picked me up, bridal style. "Thank you very much Sonic, can you please just take me to my room." I asked sweetly. Sonic nodded and sped off to my room, once we made it to my room he laid me on my bed. "You sure your going to be ok?" He asked a bit worried. "Oh quit your worrying, I'll be fine." I said playfully. Sonic smiled and ran out, I looked out my window and saw him speeding away. "Thank you Sonic." I whispered to myself. I laid back in my bed and drifted off to sleep again, I was still a bit tired.

"I'm glad your proud of me, it makes me happy!" I said cheerfully. My father smiled and rubbed my head playfully, just as I giggles my mother entered the room. "Mommy, look what daddy gave me!!" I said while holding up the rapier. "Oh my, my sweet little Amy's going to be a fighter!" Said my mother with joy, she picked me up and spun with me in her arms. I laughed and hugged her, while at the same time nuzzling into her cheek. "Amy Rose, you will be powerful, strong, and no one will dare mess with you. You have the power, power is all." Said my father as he kissed my cheek.

I sat up quickly in bed, I held my head and thought about my dream. "That wasn't a dream, that was a memory." I said to myself. I jumped out of bed, ignoring the painful aches that surged through my body. I quickly ran to my mother's chambers, I quietly pushed the door open and looked around for my mom. I looked over and saw her by a stained glass window, I was about to call out to her until I saw her holding Excalibur.

"Why does he come back now, he's going to ruin the ball and try to take Excalibur." Growled my mother. I had never seen her this mad before, unless we were talking about if I should fight our not. However it made me think, how come in that memory she was happy? Now she's completely against me fighting, and why did my father do all that talking about power? I was lost in a giant web of thoughts so I just continued to watch my mom. "This time I won't just seal the Black knight, I will kill him." Snarled my mother as she put Excalibur down and pulled a sword out of the closet.

It was well sealed in a pink case until she pulled it out, it was a pink and black sword that was perfectly crafted. "My mother is a fighter, then why doesn't she approve of it?" I asked myself as I crawled back out as quietly as I came in. I started to dart back to my room until I ran into somebody, I feel down and looked up at the figure. "Im so sorry..... DAD?!?" I yelled as I stood up. He was beat up and injured, but I didn't care I was seeing my dad since I was young.

"Amy my daughter, I missed you." He said in a cracked voice. I jumped up and hugged him softly as I helped him limb to the built in care center. The nurses were overjoyed to see him and they tended to has wounds. After he was tended to I decided to tell mom the good news, so I showed my father to her chambers. "She's going to be so happy to see you again." I said proudly. "I surely hope so, it's been awhile." He said in his normal voice. "Mom!" I yelled as I knocked on her chamber doors. "Come in sweetie." She said in a angelic voice.

I walked in and my mom was sitting on her throne reading, she looked up and saw my father. Her pupils darted back and fourth between me and my father. She dropped the book and ran to my father, she hugged him tightly and tears formed. I smiled knowing they were reunited. "I missed you so much!" She cried. "I missed you too, I won't leave anymore." Proclaimed my father as he kissed her forehead. I smiled at the display and left so they could have their private time, but I still wanted to know more about that memory.

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