Chapter Three: The idea

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Sonic got into a fighting stance and welded his sword. I did the same as he did. "You sure you want to spar in that dress?" Said sonic as he did a cocky smile. "Yeah I can! Bring it blue boy!" I said as I ran towards Sonic. He shook his head and dodged me as he tried to hit my back.

I turned around quickly and pushed his sword away from my back. "That all you got?" I asked in a mocking tone. Sonic smiled. "Not even half of it!" Said Sonic as he he charged at me. I repeatedly slashed my sword as his and he did the same. Neither if us were getting anywhere, this might last forever.

Sonic and I were locked in the match until I swiped my foot and tripped Sonic. "Ah!" Sonic fell on his butt and I stood over him with my sword pointed in his face. "I win Sonic!"I said as I smiled. He looked at me shocked and I extended my hand to help him up. "I can't believe it. That was amazing!" Said Sonic as he grabbed my hands.

"I don't see why you haven't joined Roselyn's elite force!" Said Sonic as he smiled. "If I weren't a princess....... I would have by now." I said with a weak smile on my face. Sonic looked at me with shining emerald eyes. "I'm sorry, I wish there was someway you could be a knight, you would make a great partner." Sonic smiled at hugged me.

I blushed and smiled. "Thanks for the concern Sonic." I said in a soft tone. Sonic looked at the time and let me go. "Sorry Ames, got to go!" Stated Sonic as sped of. "Ames, must be a nickname." I laughed. "It would be nice if I could be Sonic's partner." I spoke to myself.

Then it hit me, I can be a knight just under cover. I ran up to my room and searched for a ribbon. I found one and tied my quills into a bun. I grabbed my rapier and walked downstairs. I went to the armor room and crawled in, after I made it in I looked at the armor.

I picked up a set and observed it, that was until I heard the sound of knights walking towards the room. The knights entered the room and stared at me. "Excuse me fellow knight but what are you doing in the armory room, all knights are to be training." Stated the first knight.

I looked over at the knight. "Oh I was getting a name helmet for training, I'm new." I said in my best male voice. The knights nodded and kept walking. I followed behind them and went to the training grounds. It was s beautiful meadow like place with counts for sparring matches. I looked in awe at the training area until a unfamiliar voice hit me.

"I haven't seen you around, you new here?" Asked the mysterious knight. I looked at him and nodded. He was a yellowish orange two tailed fox with light blue eyes. He put his hand out and I shook it. "I'm Tails, it's nice to meet you." He had a bright smile. I looked at him and bowed. "I'm er.... Aaron, nice to meet you also." I stated.

Tails smiled. "Well we should take you to the leader, so you can get registered." Said Tails."Also, we need to pair you up with someone else." Stated Tails as he thought. I just nodded my head and walked behind him.

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