Chapter Twenty-Four: The female force

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I got into a training outfit and smiled, I was going to train them personally. Who wouldn't want to be apart of the first ever female knights, I walked outside to the back were the Knights were and the female recruits were. The girls were standing with hands on their hips as they smirked confidentially, the guys awing at them as they looked slightly confused. "Hello everyone, knights I'm sure your wondering why your here." I said politely.

"Yeah and what's with the maids, they here to make us breakfast?" Boasted a knight. I got a bit hot headed as the crowd of knight erupted into laughter. "Who said it?" I yelled loud stopping the laughter. I pulled out my rapier and walked along the crowd, someone stood up in an attention stance. "Me ma'am, but I think women are to weak to be fighting for this kingdom." Said a blank jaguar. "Alright then, I challenge you." I smirked drawing my rapier.

"Ma lady I'm sure I could hurt you." He smirked drawing his sword. I quickly slashed his sword upward and jumped in the air as I grabbed it, I slashed deep into his armor with both swords causing him to fall. He looked up at me with surprise as the females laughed and shook their hips mockingly. "Im not trying to embarrass you but next time you make a stupid comment like that, I will do a lot more." I said dropping his sword in his hands.

He nodded quickly at me and for up running off with a red face, I guess I embarrassed him. "Now the guys and gals will be facing off so you can get used to one another." I stated pairing people up. Sonic smiled as he watched me take charge and make everyone try something new, he just laughed lightly. "First up is Akita and Jake!" I smiled.

Akita had two katana blades, her hair in a Japanese style bun with two pins going though, her stance was beautiful. Then there was was Jake, he had a metal spear, he was clearly skilled because of the way he stood and held the spear. They began clashing back and forth both of them locked in combat, I knew that this was going to be a good and unstoppable force....

~Three weeks later~

I came out and saw the girls in their outfits, they were like the knights but adjusted to fit a woman's body. As well as the fact that it was a skirt and thy high socks with metal boots, Akita and Greta helped me get the idea. We split the knights into three groups,

1) The spotters

-Best known for sneaking around and getting clues, usually not fighting.

2) The Commanders

-Best known for choosing routes of battle in a war or against an enemy. Mostly fighting.

3) The Elite

-Best known for using different styles if fighting to take down a foe. Always fighting.

Our first mission as a whole that we planned to complete today, destroy the Dark Knight. "Lets head out, were going to finish this once and for all!" I yelled saddling on my horse. "Yes ma'am!" Yelled the knights mounting their horses as well. Once we were all mounted up we started off racing towards the direction we last saw the Black knight head.

"WHAT HAPPENED NEXT MOM!?" Yelled an excited voice stopping my story. "Im getting there." I said. "Does dad kill the Black knight?" Yelled a another voice. "Guys just listen." Stated Sonic. "But dad..." The two voices whined together.

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