Chapter Seventeen: My true colors

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"Die." Growled my father as he brung the sword down and I caught it. His eyes widened with surprise and he tried to force the sword down upon my body, I smirked a bit evilly and pushed him back. After a few tumbles backwards he tried to regain a stance, I stood up and dusted myself off. "I am a knight, maybe not a knight for Roselynn... but I'm a knight for myself!" I yelled picking my rapier up. "Tsk! You don't have the power for it!" He said clutching Excalibur. "Hell yeah I don't! But I have the heart for it, I've learned that knights don't have to be the strongest but they have to be big hearted and willing to risk their life's for any citizen!" I yelled a bit angered by his words.

"Huh, I guess that makes me selfish." He snickered. "No that makes you a dumb ass low life." I growled laughing. My heart was racing quickly, blood pumping through my veins. I swung my rapier at his face, leaving a heavy and bloody gash across his face. "Agh!" He yelled falling back. "All the pain you gave my mother, the fear you drilled into, and the trust that you broke after the birth of your daughter!" I smirked slicing at his armor repeatedly, the marks digging deeper into his armor.

He kept backing away hoping to slow my speed and stay away from the gashing. "I will spill your blood upon this ballroom floor!" I yelled my eyes glistening a evil emerald green. He fell to the ground exhausted and afraid, I walked over to him holding my rapier above the section his heart was hidden behind. "Time to die." I said growling with lust in my eyes. I looked over and saw Sonic looking at me with fear in his eyes, it snapped me out of my daze. "Go ahead Amy, kill me, then you will be the highest in power." Smirked my dad.

"No.. no no no!" I cried shaking my head and lowering my rapier. My father stood up and rose Excalibur to give me the final blow, I looked up at him with disgust in my eyes as I smacked it out of his hand. "I won't kill you, but I surely will get you thrown in a cell for you entire life." I said punching him and pulling his arms behind his back. "Agh." He said with a dark red cheek. "Call off your groupies and I won't end you." I growled. "Tsk, you could never pull it off." He smiled.

I raised my rapier to his throat and giggled softly, knowing that he was shivering a bit. "Try me." I smiled. He knocked and glared at his groupies, they instantly let to of the knights and citizens. Sonic got up and ran over to me. "Amy, are you ok?" He asked a bit worried. "Im fine, I just have to put my father in a cell." I said along off with my dad restrained in my clutches. "No, you've done too much today. You should rest." He said smiling softly at me. "That's not what you said to Aaron." I said walking off leaving him to think. He just stared at me with concern and shock in his darker emerald green eyes.

"I won't let you catch my heart again Sonic, not again." I said looking down as I continued it push him forward.

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