Chapter Eleven: How the plan and ball mix

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After the attack we sent my father to the infirmary, we headed to the ballroom to set the trap up. "So I was thinking that we use Excalibur as a center piece on the ballroom floor, then that would be his primary target." Said Tails as he used a pencil to trace the plan out. "Then we use Amy as a secondary bait as she proclaims the freedom as Roselynn." Said Knuckles as he drew a star where I would stand. I nodded my head in agreement, I knew I had to do my best to help. "No way!" Yelled Sonic as he slammed his hand on the table.

"Sonic, you know as well as I do that I have to be part of this plan. Even if it means risking my life, I want to help the kingdom." I said seriously. "And I want to keep you safe at all times." Said Sonic as his ears flattened. I had never seen him so sad or down about something. "Sonic we know how dedicated you are to Amy, but if she's willing to help.. let her." Said Knuckles as he looked up to Sonic. Sonic sighed and nodded, I could tell he was worried about me. "Now since that's covered, lets finish this plan." Said Tails as he looked back down to the sketch. The three of us nodded and started to onto the plan, now all that was left was to mix the plan into the ball.

It was the next day so that meant we only had 4 days before the ball, what sucks is that we were only given permission yesterday. So that means that were kinda close to our deadline and we've just now finished decorating, we still need to order food and do head counts of our attendees.

"Sonic, how about you run around Roselynn and find out who's going?" Asked Tails as he turned to Sonic. "Ok, I will report back to you guys when I'm done." Proclaimed Sonic cockily, he sped off towards the town where the citizens lived. "Now Amy, I need your help setting up the nets above where you will stand on stage and off." Said Tails as he grabbed a bundle of nets. I took them from him and marked where I would stand, I took pins and placed the nets above where I would stand.

"Ok Knuckles, I need you to move Excalibur's podium into here." Said Tails as he wrote a check on his clipboard. Knuckles nodded and lifted the podium from the center room, he carried it into the ball room and places it in the center. "This ball is going to be wonderful!" I said with determination in my voice. Tails and Knuckles smiled softly at me and nodded a bit, after they gave me the sweet gestures Sonic burst back into the room. "Everyone in the kingdom is planning to attend." Said Sonic as he stretched, he looked like a cat that had just awoken from its nap. I clasped my hands together, my eyes sparkled lightly.

"That's great, thank you for checking it out Sonic." I said proudly as I started to walk around checking to make sure things were in place for today. "We did fairly well, tomorrow we will just have to add a bit more decorations before its completely done." Explained Knuckles. Tails looked over his list, with a satisfied smile. "Yep he's right, the decorations are the icing on the cake." Tails said while he put the clipboard down. "Well for you guys at least, I'm going to start helping the maids cook." I told them as I put my hair in ponytail.

"Why are you cooking Amy?" Asked Sonic with a tilted head. "Well Sonic, it's because I hate to see others do all the work. Plus I want to be of assistance." I smiled and put on an apron before walking out. They watched me leave with shocked expressions. "Amy's something else." Laughed Knuckles. "Yeah, she's very independent for a young princess." Stated Tails with small laughs. "She's her own woman, a beautiful one too." Smiled Sonic as he leaned on the wall.

"Sonic the hedgehog calling a princess beautiful, that's a huge shock to me!" Said Knuckles in a teasing way, he poked Sonic's arm with his elbow. "To me as well, when's the wedding?" Asked Tails as he laughed. "Shut up!!" Yelled Sonic as he walked out with a red face. I was walking into the kitchen until the maids stopped me. "Lady Amy, why are you heading into the kitchen?" She asked as she looked at me. "Please let me help cook, you know I really do love to cook Greta. I said sweetly, adding on my cute puppy dog eyes.

"Fine Amy, but were moving fast today." Sighed Greta letting me in the kitchen, he had a sweet smile on her face. I walked in and I started to pull out pots and pans, I placed them on a counter top and added flour, eggs, and butter. "I can't wait for my first ball, and the chance to catch the Black Knight." I whispered to myself.

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