Chapter Eight: The Dark knight's grand reapperance.

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Amy's point of view

After the mission with Sonic we were let off on a break, so that meant that Sonic was going to be coming to the castle. For once I wasn't very excited for Sonic to come, only because I got a bit injured on our first mission. I have to put on one of my long dresses so he does notice the vine marks all over my arms and legs. I slipped into a silky white long dress like the ones my mother usually wear, they reach right over the ground and they have sleeves to cover your arms.

I walked to he mirror to make sure I was covered up completely, after a full body check I walked over to my bedside nightstand and grabbed the pouch containing the shattered gemstone. I held it tightly and walked out of my room, heading straight towards the garden. I made it to the and sat down at a crystal blue table with white lace place mats. I pulled out the crystal shards and laid them on the table, I closely looked them over and tried to search for anything that stuck out.

"I'm getting nothing, but I won't give up." I said determined. Just as I started to search more I started to see how the gemstone cracked. "Lady Amy, Sir Sonic is here for you." Said the servant with a bow. "Go ahead and bring him in please." I said still keeping my focus completely on the jewel. The servant bowed and let Sonic into the garden. He walked to the table I was at and sat down in front of me. "Hey Amy." Said Sonic with a sweet smile. "Hey Sonic, how are you today?" I asked as I aligned the shards together. "I'm great, but hey when did you get the gemstone?" Asked Sonic as he watched me connect the pieces.

"Oh yesterday, they sent it to the castle and I decided to try and work with it. Great job on the mission as well." I said with a soft smile. He smiled back at me, and gave a thumbs up. "It was easy, also my partner was a big help." He said with a smirk. "But anyway, how's it going with he gemstone?" He asked now becoming serious. "I think I can possibly restore the stone back to its former glory." I said as I put all the pieces together. Sonic looked at the gemstone and smiled. "Great job, now all we would need to do is find a way for it to permanently stay together." Explained Sonic.

"My mom might know how, but now let's just make sure the pieces fit correctly." I proclaimed as I straightened the pieces. Sonic and I smiled at each other and highfived. "Leave the pieces shattered, Excalibur is mine!!!" Yelled a mysterious deep voice. Sonic and I stood up quickly and looked around, we both drew our swords and stood back to back.

My eyes widened as I saw a knight in black and silver armor with a dark black horse jump over the fence surrounding the garden. He started to charge towards me and before I could move he hit me with the side of his sword in my stomach. I cried out in pain and feel backwards holding my stomach. I heard clashing and the horse trotting away as I blacked it slowly. "Amy, Amy stay with me!!" Yelled Sonic. Everything began to blur a bit, making all the colors blend.

"Sonic...... the gemstone." I said as I completely blacked out. I felt my body being lifted from the ground and the rest became a scary and strange dark blur. The black knight was back, and he meant business.

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