Chapter Six: Aaron and Sonic's first mission

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After that training with Sonic it was hard for me to keep my head straight, I couldn't help but think about how we danced together. I sat by the river with a pipe of rocks near me, I heard Sonic and I were going on a mission and I wanted to get all of this out of my head. I threw a rock at the river and counted how many times it skipped. "One.... two.... three.... four...." I counted as I watched the rock. As I did I heard footsteps behind me and stood up and drew my rapier with a rapid pace. "Aaron it's just me." Said Sonic as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I loosened my guard and sat back down, continuing what I was doing before Sonic came. "Aaron, we have a new mission to do." Said Sonic as he signaled me to follow him. "Ok what are we doing on this mission?" I asked a bit excited. "We're going to look for the gemstone that was shattered by a dark knight." Said Sonic. I looked at him in a confused manner. "What gemstone?" I asked. "The gemstone of the Black knight, the founders of Roselynn sealed him in and one of his minions found the gemstone and broke it. Therefore releasing him again." Explained Sonic. I stiffened a bit thinking of the Black knight.

I've heard many stories about him defeating great knights in his search for Excalibur. "Excalibur..." I said without thinking. Sonic turned around to face me. "Yep that's what he's been looking for, he knows where it is now. So I'm pretty sure he will be found there, but before we can catch him we need to find the shattered gemstone." Said Sonic as he turned back around. "Ok we should get going if we want to get anywhere before sundown." I proclaimed.

Sonic nodded. "You think you will be able to keep up with me?" Asked Sonic cockily. I rolled my eyes. "I will try." I said as I saw Sonic start to dash off. I ran after him as fast as I could, which in his opinion wasn't very fast. I saw where he was heading and knew a shortcut, so I decided to try and beat the blue blur there. As Sonic zoomed by on the long path I took the hidden path though the thick bushes, my dad used to take me on this path all the time so I knew it by heart. I sliced through the bushes one by one and made it to Vine valley, at least that's what it was called in the kingdom.

I looked all around and saw the vines twining up the stone pillars and columns, there were spots of marble white through the thick vines. The place was just a bunch of vines and broken parts of an old protective shrine. I walked over to the stand where the broken jewel was and I reached my hand out towards it. I was about to touch it until the vines wrapped around my armor and pulled me downwards, I was entangled within the vines and couldn't move.

Wen it pulled me down I became stuck in the roots of the vines, they were slowly wrapping around me and crushing me. I tried to reach for my rapier but I couldn't even move my hand, I was completely restrained. "Sonic!" I yelled in a bit of pain. The vines were pressing more and more pressure on me. "Am I going to die...." I said quietly.

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