Chapter Fifteen: Ball time

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It was the day, the day of the ball. I was so excited since we were going to claim Excalibur as our own and probably get rid of the Black Knight all in one scoop. Sonic and I were on the balcony looking over as we watched the ball, we had to do out fifteen minute shift before we could go anywhere. "Isn't it cool seeing everyone from up here?" He asked leaning over the railing. "It sure is, they look like tiny well dressed ants." I snickered. Sonic looked at me and laughed as well, it was funny saying that we felt so high up and how people seemed small.

We pretended to crush the people below us like they were ants, it was pretty fun. Time was passing surprisingly quickly so we didn't mind. "Five more minutes." Smiled Sonic, I just nodded my head in response. We got out stuff that we brung up ready until the stained glass above us shattered, revealing the Black Knight riding in on his black horse. He landed on our bridge and Sonic and I drew our swords and got into a fighting stance. The Knight turned around and smacked me off the bridge, I fell screaming and grabbed the railing.

My helmet flew off and everyone looked up at the bridge Sonic and I were on. "Amy!" Yelled my mother as she stood up. I looked towards the ground as my eyes darted, it wasn't because of the height I was at...... it was because everyone now knew that I was a knight. The railing on the bridge slowly started to break off the bridge and I was nowhere near a ledge that I could use to pull myself up, but I'm giving up. I'm going to show everyone that I can fend for myself, and that I can fight! I pulled myself up a bit but then the Black Knight looked in my direction, I growled and threw my rapier at his helmet.

"Why?!" I screamed as the rapier knocked his helmet off, revealing my father. Everyone below me gasped in shock and horror, I already knew it was my father but I thought he would fall for my trap. "You know why Amy! It's for the power!" He yelled as he sliced the rail I was holding onto. It broke off and I started falling, I closed my eyes knowing that I failed as a knight and a daughter to my mother. "Amy!" I heard someone yell as I slowly opened my eyes, it was Sonic. He had jumped off the broken bridge to save me, he grabbed me and pulled me close to him. "Sonic...." I said as I cried into his chest a bit. I was ashamed that he had to save me, I felt so weak. "You lied to me." He said looking down at me with cold eyes.

I reached out to stroke his cheek but he turned the other way, he was truly upset.

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